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What are the differences between wild and domestic animals?


The animal kingdom is lavish. We have animals of different types and classifications and one of the most important is the one that divides these into domestic and wild animals . Do you know the differences well? We will let you know in case you are not completely clear about it.

The wild ones are also recognized as wild and they are the ones that are not domesticated, but there are many more differences between the two.

Depending on where they live

In general, when we talk about domestic animals, they are those that live or coexist near or with men and, initially, they are those that have been domesticated by men at some point. That way they are not attacked and they are not savage.

In some places the classification includes, beyond pets, those animals such as pigs, chickens, sheep, rabbits, horses or mules from which humans use their meat as food. They do not live strictly in men’s homes, but they do live in other places such as corrals, farms, stables and others. They are fed and cared for by their owners, men.

Unlike the others, they have specific characteristics because they are usually docile and calmer and in principle they respect the human, usually because they know that it is who gives them food. There are

What are wild animals?

Unlike the previous ones, these species live freely in their habitat where they reproduce. This is how we find them in the air, in the sea, in the mountains or in the forests. They are not domesticated by men and that is why they make theirs, but it is true that they must protect themselves, they seek shelter, food, and safeguard their young.

To defend themselves they usually attack other species and also people in general. At this point it should be noted that some animals are in danger of extinction due to actions that man has created, either atmospheric or by hunting certain types of animals.

It is very important that such species can be preserved if not, together, we will load the Planet and all the inhabitants that are in it.

Although we believe that domestic animals are really important to live, wild animals are also key because they also have their mission. This is why you have to take care of everyone without abusing them.

Unlike the domestic, the wild is always moving by that hunting instinct that makes it go to look for food throughout the day, even at night. They have to take shelter and some live in the open while others move and migrate to other countries.





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