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What are the most poisonous spiders in Spain and where are they found?


Spiders are perhaps one of the animals that can give the most fear or that can cause the most admiration. There are people who cannot bear to see them and others, on the other hand, adore them. In Spain we find many species of spiders and even if you are a fan, you should be careful since some of them are really poisonous. Let us know below, which are the most poisonous spiders in Spain and where they are found What are the most poisonous spiders in Spain and where they are found Belonging to arthropods such as insects, the order of spiders (scientifically Araneae) has about fifty thousand species in the world, 1,500 of which, according to the latest estimates, live in Spanish territory.Generally all species of spiders are poisonous, however only a small part of them can be considered dangerous to humans, since in most of the In cases, although painful, the bites and stings do not inoculate the venom, in addition, very often the effects of the toxins are mild and the symptoms will disappear in a short time. Arachnophobia, catalyzed among other things by the very bad and unjustified ‘publicity’ towards these animals, as well as by beliefs that have nothing to do with reality, continues to be one of the most widespread phobias and can trigger completely irrational reactions. as well as actual panic attacks. For this reason and although dangerous spiders are not abundant in our country, there are several that can give us a “scare” because they are quite poisonous. Let’s know what they are so that if you find them it will be better to move away.Tube Spider or Segrestia Florentina The Segestria florentina, so named because the first specimens studied were found along the Arno, is not a technically ‘dangerous’ spider due to its venom, which has poor neurotoxic properties, but mainly because of its marked aggressiveness and powerful and very painful sting caused by chelicerae, the characteristic chitinous teeth of spiders, which in this species and especially in females have large dimensions.Not in vain, the Florentine Segestria that in Spain is called Tube spider is the largest species from Europe belonging to the Segestridae family, and the females can reach 2.2 centimeters in length without counting the legs. It is a fairly easy spider to recognize, both for its color, typically black, and for its behavior: in fact, it builds a typical tubular web (hence its name) and waits for its prey with a characteristic position of the legs, six of which are projected forward and ready to grab their “victim”, which are generally other spiders, bees, wasps, cockroaches and even nocturnal moths. It can be found in basements, cracks and old houses, especially those with uneven walls, and that the species cannot climb them. In Spain it is present in all regions European black widow or Latrodectus tredecimguttatus Another spider present in our country is the European black widow which in fact (and hence its name) is present throughout Europe especially in countries like ours or Italy. A spider that has a deep black body, albeit with a red spot on the abdomen, so they are fairly easy to recognize.It is poisonous because it has Alpha-latrotoxin, a substance that acts immediately on the nervous system so that in case of a bite it is necessary to go to the emergency room and be inoculated with the antidote since we are in real danger. 15 mm depending on whether it is female or male and in Spain it is found a lot in fields and rural environments, especially the Catalan, Murcia and Andalusian coast and in the Aragonese Ebro Valley. Iberian black widow or Latrodectus lilianae There is the same European black widow also a “native” variety. It is the Latrodectus lilianae or Iberian black widow, which is less poisonous, but also very dangerous. A species that we have on the Alicante, Murcia and Andalusian coast as well as in the Aragonese Ebro Valley, especially between the months of April and June. Violin spider or Loxosceles rufescens This is perhaps the most dangerous spider in Spain or in fact, the one that has a more dangerous sting. This is because its venom can cause necrosis of the area affected by its bite. Luckily, the venom is only injected in only 40% of the bites that this spider makes, although it is better not to cross it and if we do, avoid it at all costs.The violin spider is small in size and uniform brown in color, with legs long and thin. They tend to sneak into houses, since they do not like light and hide mainly in closets. In our country it is present in several regions where they have also made the news. Only a couple of years ago it was learned that in Elche (Alicante) several people were bitten by this species of spider as well as in Granada.Yellow sac spider or Cheiracanthium punctorium The yellow sac spider, found in many regions of our country, is a species of spider that tends to move more at night and loves to be in open spaces such as meadows. Its main characteristic, which also allows us to identify it at the moment, is that it builds a particular silk sac between leaves and bushes, which is not used for hunting but mainly for reproductive purposes.A spider that although poisonous has slight effects on humans , but there have been cases of some people who have had nausea, headache, vomiting and tightness in the chest, associated with burning of the affected area that becomes red and swollen.



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