Home Fun What are the plants that reproduce by cuttings?

What are the plants that reproduce by cuttings?


What are the plants that reproduce by cuttings? Many times we think that plants reproduce only through pollination and through seeds , but the truth is that not all plants have this ability, especially if they are indoors and there are other techniques to make them propagate as is the case of reproduction by cuttings that we will explain below.

What are the plants that reproduce by cuttings?

Reproducing a plant using cuttings means taking advantage of a vegetative multiplication technique that consists of cutting off a portion of the ‘mother’ plant and rooting it in water or suitable soil.

To be successful in this operation, it is first necessary to choose a very knobby apical branch, rich in swellings, from which new leaves and twigs can start. The cut should be made about 10 cm from the base . This portion of the plant should be deprived of all leaves and flowers except the two apical leaves.

In a small pot filled almost completely with light and permeable universal soil, the cuttings thus obtained can be planted , leaving out a small section (about 1/3). In the first weeks the soil must always be moist to allow the roots to develop and the new plant to take root. As soon as the first shoots are visible, check the plant by gently removing it from the pot; if the root system is visibly developed, it is transferred to a larger container.

The best time to do this usually occurs at the end of August-November or May and some plants are more conducive to reproduction by cutting. These are:

  • Evergreen trees and shrubs : There are many evergreen plants that we can find, whether they are broadleaf or needle and that can also reach great heights from the cutting from which they are born. In the specific case of evergreen trees, they grow better if they do so from cuttings from the tips or stems that are known as «heel cuttings», which are still new branches, which have a «foot »Made of wood two years of age or older.
  • Deciduous trees and shrubs : Also deciduous trees and shrubs are born from cuttings that are taken from a branch that is less than one year old. The best time in this case is to take the cutting in late autumn, until early winter.
  • Indoor plants : As we have already mentioned, indoor plants lend themselves a lot to reproduction by cuttings. Among the best indoor plants that can be rooted by cuttings in water are: potus, syngonium, philodendron, spatifillo, pilea, diefembaquia and chlorophyta. Also many aromatic plants such as mint, oregano, basil, sage, stevia, tarragon, thyme and rosemary.
  • Herbaceous plants : Favorite soft-stemmed plants such as herbaceous plants are also conducive to reproduction by cutting, taking from the mother plant, a tip that includes 4 to 6 inches of a branch that is young and healthy. In this way we can obtain, for example, new chrysanthemums or dahlias.



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