Home Economy What is needed today are more voices that inspire confidence

What is needed today are more voices that inspire confidence


(Expansion) – In all the media and social networks we are announcing the arrival of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. And although they do not come mounted on skinned horses crying out for conquest, war, hunger and death, they do come showing quite ugly faces.

I am referring to inflation (hyperinflation in some countries), economic stagnation, armed conflicts, of which no one knows when they will end, and a pandemic that seems never to end and wants to mutate into a smallpox that may turn us into the “planet of the apes.”

The thing is that the world scene paints, at least, uncertain and challenging. And faced with this almost apocalyptic vision, brands and companies feel that they have not come out of the tremendous blow that COVID-19 dealt them when they already have to adjust their expectations downwards in the face of a frightened and cautious consumer with their expenses.

Everyone shouts from the rooftops that “the economic apocalypse is coming!”, but few say how to build a shelter to survive it. Many voices advise us to spend as little as possible, not to get into debt, to avoid acquiring credits of all kinds because interest is going to kill us and, in short, to save for the lean times ahead.

On the other hand, after the pandemic, what companies need most is to sell to reactivate the virtuous wheel of world economies, where consumption generates demand; demand, jobs; jobs, products and services; and all this generates growth.

How then will companies and brands sell, when advertising budgets have been cut, and consumers and customers want to spend less right now? Is the picture really so black? No, it is not.

As consumers of a product or service, or customers of a company, we cannot completely stop spending. It is spent (or invested, rather) on what seems essential to us or whose contribution to our life or operation has been proven.

In this sense, we will continue to “consume” products and services that we are familiar with, that we like and that have developed a good relationship with us over time, not only in terms of price and quality, but also with which we feel identified in aspects such as esteem or lifestyle.

That said, here are four recommendations to keep us current in the minds and hearts of customers and consumers in “lean times”.

Be original: give good news

When the situation tightens, human beings tend to stay with what gives us certainty and confidence, including products and services. We prefer one or another brand or company because we share values and even purpose with them, but if we remain silent and stop communicating with clients and consumers, we will be sending a bad signal.

They want to know about us, and if it’s good news, even better in the midst of a sea of pessimism. Let us reiterate that we are here for him or her, and that they will find in us the promise of value that we have always made.

Reputation is based on the recommendation of third parties

If our product or service has a good reputation, it is sure to generate word of mouth. It’s like cultivating friends: they will remember us and show us their affection if we stay close to them even in difficult times.

Investing in maintaining these good relationships for brands and companies is perhaps one of the smartest and most important investments… especially in difficult times.

Good information travels relatively alone

It just needs a little push to snowball, and that doesn’t require large investments but a good strategy. A good communication specialist or a good agency will be able to give the key information of the brand or company that “initial push” that it needs, so that it can later run almost for its own life through the network of third-party allies that we have dedicated ourselves to. to build

creativity kills everything

They say that “choro kills a face”, and it is true: effective communication, backed by good actions, is capable of making products and services irresistible despite an adverse context. The key piece of a good communication strategy is, to a great extent, creativity.

A good idea at the center of our communication efforts will attract the attention we need to generate positive public opinion that leads to sales.

The preachers of ill omens swarm. What is needed today are more voices that inspire confidence and paint a hopeful future. Make your company or your brand speak with confidence and inspire optimism, because I can assure you that this “new apocalypse” will also pass, and your clients and consumers will remember you.

Editor’s note: Guido Gaona is CEO of BCW Mexico. He has more than 23 years of experience in the field of corporate communication. Follow him on . The opinions published in this column belong exclusively to the author.



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