Home Fun What is the best garlic breath remedy?

What is the best garlic breath remedy?


Whether you love the touch that garlic gives to stews and roasted meats and other dishes or if you hate its unmistakable flavor, surely the aroma it leaves on your breath up to 24 hours after consuming it is not to your liking. Neither of those around you.

The good news is that halitosis caused by this sulfur-rich food has an easy solution: just chew peppermint leaves, eat iceberg lettuce or take a few bites of an apple.

This is the conclusion reached by two researchers from Ohio State University (United States). After having their volunteers chew three grams of garlic cloves for 25 seconds, Rita Mirondo and Sheryl Barringer tested the effect of different molecules on the chemical composition of breath.

Analysis revealed that levels of volatile odor-causing substances – such as allyl methyl disulfide and diallyl disulfide – were reduced by up to 50% more by eating raw apple or lettuce than by drinking water, apple juice or green tea. Although the palm was taken away by the mint leaves, which diffuse the whiff of garlic better than any other natural remedy. According to the authors, because they are full of enzymes capable of neutralizing the aromatic substances of garlic.

This condiment so common in Spanish gastronomy has almost 20,000 hectares cultivated in our country and a production close to 170 million kilos per year, with a turnover of around 180 million euros in the same period.



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