Home Fun What is the most dangerous bird in the world

What is the most dangerous bird in the world


If we were to quickly think about which bird species aspire to rank among the most dangerous in their particular classification, it is likely that many would consider alternatives such as the eagle, ostrich, hawk or rhea. What is the most dangerous bird in the world ?

However, and to the surprise of a good percentage of the public, none of these is the most dangerous bird in the world but that honor, to call it in some way, belongs to the cassowary . Unknown to most people, the cassowary is often confused with the ostrich when its characteristics are not known, although the risk of facing it is even greater.

In fact, we occasionally hear news related to cassowary attacks on human beings that result in the death of the latter, even when they were raised as children.

What happens is that, in different parts of the planet, there is a fashion to domesticate these endangered animals, as if we were talking about any other pet, despite the fact that they weigh approximately 80 kilograms, and have enormous strength for their size.

What are their characteristics?

The cassowary is appreciated for its almost two meters of wingspan, which make it imposing, and more taking into account its colorful body, in black, blue and red tones, without forgetting the keratin crest on its head. But both its great attraction and its danger lie in the legs.

These animals have a series of claw-like limbs, capable of producing claws with such violence that they become a lethal weapon for the victim of the movement. About 4 inches tall, fully tapered, these claws tear apart meat that gets in their way. For this reason, it is not recommended to have them in family homes.

On the other hand, the myths surrounding the danger of the cassowary were multiplied exponentially in 2017, when an investigation discovered the remains of a dinosaur with numerous coincidences with the current cassowary, and that would have inhabited planet Earth millions of years ago.

Now, there is an interesting point: the cassowary rarely attacks as a method of obtaining food , being the safest thing to do when it feels threatened by human activity.

At present, specimens of this species can be found in a few countries, such as Australia or New Guinea, so almost no one is vulnerable to being suddenly attacked by a cassowary.

Of course, if for any reason you approach any of them, you better be cautious. Or you will regret it.



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