Home Fun What is the origin of the gay flag?

What is the origin of the gay flag?


The first thing we usually think when we see a multicolored flag like the one in the image is that it is the emblem of the LGTB movement around the world. It is possible that we are wrong, because it is not the only group that waves the colors of the rainbow in the wind.

If we count six colored stripes in the order of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, we are facing an apology for sexual freedom , but if we count one more light blue stripe, it is then the flag of peace ( red below) or the flag in memory of the Inca empire (red above). They are not the only flags that can lead us to error: there is a long list of banners that imitate the chromatic range of the rainbow.

The gay flag was born to vindicate the homosexual movement in the US, although later it was extended to the entire LGTB community, which encompasses the majority sexual orientations (gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transsexuals) and also intends to include the less known ( pansexuals, intersexuals…). The flag was devised by artist Gilbert Baker in 1978 at the request of the organization of the gay pride march in California. Baker's design is said to be inspired by the song "Over the Rainbow " by Judy Garland.

The original version of the flag had eight stripes, but shortly thereafter the pink and light blue colors were dropped due to production difficulties. Each hue has a meaning: pink, sex; red, life; orange, healing; yellow, sunlight; green, nature; blue, art; celestial, harmony; and violet, human spirit .



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