Home Living Travel Where to paraglide in South America

Where to paraglide in South America


One of the most popular extreme sports activities in South America is paragliding, and there are a host of sites across the continent that offer excellent conditions to allow people to go paragliding.

Steep slopes or cliffs are particularly good as launch sites, and from first-flight beginners to experts who have flown hundreds of times, these sites offer excellent paragliding experiences. If you are looking to go paragliding for the first time, these sites offer some impressive views and are also known for having experienced paragliding schools offering tuition and tandem flights for less experienced or nervous travelers. Here are the best places to go paragliding in South America.

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Baños, Ecuador

The city of Baños in Ecuador has been developing a reputation as a popular city for adventure sports, and its mountainous terrain makes it a prime location for paragliding.

The city is located in the shadow of the Tungurahua Volcano, paragliding offers a great view of the volcano, although it is certainly advisable not to get too close, especially avoiding the ash plume that the volcano produces. The mountain scenery in the Banos area is breathtaking, and although the hike up the steep slopes can be exhausting, it provides perfect spots to launch paragliders, giving them a great opportunity to fly.

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Quixada, Brazil

On the northeast coast of Brazil, the city of Quixada has become one of the most popular paragliding launch sites in the country and has been the launch site for some of the longest paragliding flights in the world.

The city’s distinctive geography makes it a great spot for paragliding, as on either side of the city are rocky outcrops high above a flat plain, and the winds are often particularly good for flying. This site is popular with aviators who enjoy long-distance paragliding, and depending on the winds, it is possible to fly hundreds of kilometers from the launch site.

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Mendoza Argentina

Other popular paragliding sites in South America are in western Argentina, near the city of Mendoza, where the nearby Cerro Arco Hill is one of the best launch sites available.

One of the best ways is by using one of the local paragliding schools, as the 4 × 4 ride to the top of the hill can be particularly difficult for those who go on foot or by bicycle. Another benefit of these beautiful hills is that it is generally possible to go paragliding here all year round, as the winds are stable and the weather is favorable for most of the year.

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Iquique, Chile

The city of Iquique is located in the north of Chile and is one of the best places to practice paragliding because it is next to the Atacama desert.

While the desert itself is one of the driest and driest places in the world, it is also one of the most beautiful, and the unspoiled natural landscape provides one of the most impressive settings for a sensational paragliding flight.

The dunes can stretch as far as the eye can see in some parts of the desert, making it generally an ideal spot for experienced paragliders or those taking a tandem flight, while the constant winds and near zero chance of rain make it a place where it is possible to fly all year round.

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Miraflores, Peru

The Miraflores cliffs are a short distance from the center of Lima, Peru, and are one of the most popular paragliding sites in South America and the world due to the combination of urban and coastal landscapes.

There are several tour companies operating from the area that can help with tandem flights and paragliding lessons, while many people come from the city and enjoy their time flying alone. Once you’ve flown, the landing area is on a wide stretch of beautiful beach just a short walk away, making it a practical option for those looking to fly solo.



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