Home News WHO Europe: Long-term effects of a pandemic on the psyche

WHO Europe: Long-term effects of a pandemic on the psyche


According to the World Health Organization’s Europe Office, the corona pandemic is affecting people’s mind. But it also offers an opportunity to rethink mental health care.

Copenhagen – The European Office of the World Health Organization (WHO) draws attention to the long-term effects of the corona pandemic on people’s mental health.

It is not just the infections and the fear of such an infection that could hit the psyche, said the WHO regional office in Europe on Thursday. Everyone is affected in one way or another by the psychological effects of lockdowns and self-isolation, but also the consequences of unemployment, financial worries, social exclusion and other things.

“People in the European region are literally collapsing under the burden of Covid-19 and its consequences,” said WHO Regional Director Hans Kluge. The effects of the Corona crisis would have taken an enormous toll on people’s mental health and well-being.

At the same time, the pandemic offers countries an opportunity to rethink and reform their mental health care. “This is an opportunity that no country can afford to waste if we want to rebuild better and stronger,” said Kluge. Mental health and wellbeing should be seen as basic human rights. dpa



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