Home Fun Why are the doors in Dublin so colorful?

Why are the doors in Dublin so colorful?


Always lively and cheerful, the colors of the Dublin doors stand out against the sober facades of dark brick in the purest English Georgian style. It is one of the local touches, and the first explanation in this regard would be that it is a search for contrast not only with the buildings themselves, but also with the usual gray atmosphere of the Atlantic climate .

This interpretation is most credible considering the lively and festive nature of the Irish people, something that is also projected onto the colorful facades of many other areas of the country , such as those of Kinsale in Cork.

But for legends that is not. One of them dates back to the times when Ireland was part of the British Empire: it is said that it was an act of rebellion against Queen Victoria, who, very saddened after the death of Prince Consort Albert, in 1861, had all the paintings painted. doors in black, a very common color in English.

Another Irish legend – which, fortunately, deserves less credibility than the previous ones – relates that an individual, drunk as many pints as he had taken after work, found his wife with another man in bed when he entered their house and killed them . The next morning, he realized that his victims had actually been his neighbors . According to this gruesome story, to avoid such confusion they decided to each paint their door a color , and also make it as striking as possible.



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