Home Fun Why is the largest tree in the world wrapped in aluminum?

Why is the largest tree in the world wrapped in aluminum?


One of the largest trees in the world, located in California has appeared wrapped in aluminum foil and has remained that way for days. The reason? We reveal it below but it seems to be related to the fires in the area.

Why is the largest tree in the world wrapped in aluminum foil?

Due to the huge fires raging in California, experts are looking for ways to protect vegetation that has not yet been affected by the flames. Among them is General Sherman, the largest tree in terms of volume.

The giant sequoia specimen (Sequoiadendron giganteum) reaches 83 meters and according to some experts it is one of the oldest trees on Earth: with an age of about 2,500 years . New images of General Sherman were recently shared showing the base of the giant sequoia wrapped in aluminum foil-shaped blankets.

It is a very important area to many, many people, so a great deal of special effort is being made to protect this grove, ” Rebecca Paterson, spokesperson for the Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park, told the Los Angeles Times. In fact, more than 350 firefighters are currently fighting two fires within Las Secuoyas National Park.

The blankets are used by firefighters to protect structures from nearby fires and, in case it is a last resort, if they are surrounded, the same firefighters use them to protect themselves from the flames . Currently, officials have also cleared nearby vegetation to further protect the surrounding area and ensure that the fire does not spread around the ancient sequoia.

Firefighters warned that stronger winds in the area in recent days were also contributing to ” critical fire conditions ” in the park complex area, where two fires caused by lightning merged on the western side.

Until last Sunday, the National Weather Service had issued a red flag warning, saying the gusts and reduced humidity could create conditions for the rapid spread of the wildfires that are still raging.



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