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Wine and gin and tonic: pop star Nino de Angelo is drinking alcohol again


Created: 08/09/2022, 08:50 am

Nino de Angelo auf der Bühne und mit Zigarre im Mund
Nino de Angelo returns to alcohol after a six-month abstinence © Instagram/ninothevoicedeangelo & IMAGO / Revierfoto

Nino de Angelo regularly reached for the wine glass. His health suffered from alcohol excesses, which is why the pop singer stopped drinking alcohol in early 2022. Just six months later, a change of heart came over him.

Wertach – At the beginning of the year, pop star Nino de Angelo (the greatest German pop singer of all time) proudly announced that he would no longer drink alcohol. His past excesses have put his health at risk – he had to have three bypasses put to his heart. But he missed one or two enjoyable glasses of alcohol, which is why the pop singer picked up the glass again.

Wine and gin and tonic: pop star Nino de Angelo is drinking alcohol again

“I haven’t had any alcohol for six months. Then I drew a conclusion: Viewed soberly, it was better drunk! That’s why I now regularly treat myself to my wine or my gin and tonic again,” the singer admits to bild.de.

Nino de Angelo does not want to give up smoking either, despite an incurable lung disease. “Life is too short to miss out on the good things in life. For me, that includes a good drink and a fine cigar,” continues the “Jenseits von Eden” interpreter.

Nino de Angelo does not want to “encourage anyone to drink”

However, Nino de Angelo no longer wants to afford crashes like in his past: “If I don’t overdo it, my consumption is completely fine with me. Of course I can’t speak for other people and I don’t want to encourage anyone to drink,” explains the self-proclaimed “Bad Boy of German Schlager”. It is to be hoped that this decision will not cause any major damage to his health.

Ireen Sheer wants to really let it rip after her last appearance. At Stefan Mross, the pop singer said: “After my last concert, I’ll get drunk with my husband”. Sources used: bild.de & Instagram/ninothevoicedeangelo



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