Home Living Your baby's movements in pregnancy, trimester by trimester

Your baby's movements in pregnancy, trimester by trimester


The moment when the pregnant woman feels the first kick of her baby, one of the most incredible emotions invades her, difficult to explain in words if it is not lived. It is how much mom, and also dad, notices the first tapping inside the gut when the presence of her son is more tangible than the image of the ultrasound.

These movements of flexion and extension of the extremities of your body further strengthen the bond between the mother and her child. But when do the baby’s movements begin to be noticed? How do you feel? Do they change throughout pregnancy? We give you all the details, quarter by quarter.

From week 18 the baby “manifests”

If you are still planning to get pregnant or are only a few weeks old, the theme of your baby’s first kicks is sure to attract your attention, especially if you have been able to notice them in the belly of another future mother and you want to feel as close as possible your little one, before you can hold him in your arms.

Although it may seem difficult to believe, from the first moment of pregnancy, when the fetus is only a few centimeters tall, it is already moving energetically in the amniotic fluid, flapping its arms and legs.

The exact moment in which the first movements of the baby are noticed depends mainly on the location of the placenta and the thickness of its wall. But generally speaking, new mothers notice their child for the first time between week 18 and 20 . Women who are already moms begin to notice the first movements from week 16, since in the second pregnancy they are perceived earlier. The reason? Both the muscles of the abdominal wall and the uterus are less toned, because they have already been dilated during the first pregnancy. This means that it is easier for them to give in to the first few moves.

They can also be noticed earlier in cases of multiple gestation or if the pregnancy date is wrong and the woman is pregnant for a longer time than was calculated.

This is how your baby feels as it grows

  • The first movements feel like a slight tremor, a caress or a butterfly. Some mothers describe the moment as “if she had butterflies or a little fish in her belly.” That little bubbling can even be mistaken for gas.

  • After overcoming week 24 or 25 of gestation , the movements begin to be more intense. The kicks and taps of the hands are more evident. The baby boxes, kicks, and rolls in the amniotic fluid. Sometimes Mom notices a rhythmic heartbeat when the baby hiccups, noticing her tummy quivering. These respiratory movements are a sign of fetal well-being.

It will be during the second trimester when the possibilities of somersaults throughout the day are more frequent, since the baby is still small (weighs between 600 to 1000 grams). And there are times when the fetus makes a 180º turn, and that more abrupt movement can even cause pain to its mother.

  • Starting at 29 weeks , if mom squeezes her tummy, the baby “can respond” by pushing it out. And it is that from the 6 month of gestation you already feel vibrations, changes in temperature and pressure, as when someone puts their hand on the gut.

In fact, from now on is a good time to gently pat her belly or whisper to her. And dad and older siblings can participate in this task, since it not only calms the baby but also these emotional moments help to strengthen family ties even more.

Because in the last trimester of gestation the baby responds to sound and movement stimuli, hears the voices of those around him and especially that of mother.

  • The baby’s movements are gaining in intensity and frequency until week 32 , and more and more bumps can be seen and felt on the tummy.
  • Towards the end of the pregnancy, the intense movements of the baby seem to decrease, because it has grown and lacks space. Being more encased inside Mom’s tummy, he feels his little feet on your ribs, elbows, and it seems as if his kicks “take his breath away.” Vigorous side boxing and rib kicks give way to a “push and pull” sensation. in fact, future mothers even learn to identify specific parts of the baby’s body: “he has nailed me an elbow and here a knee.”

How to know if you move enough

The baby has its own sleep-wake rhythm inside the womb. Nor can the number of kicks be predicted, since some are more bumpy than others. However, most women get used to their little one’s rhythm of movement and notice if he’s okay.

Typically, a healthy baby is not active throughout the day, but has irregular activity : from just a few seconds to even an hour. Among them, there are phases of total rest, while sleeping or resting. In addition, although some of her kicks are even painful, it may happen that Mom does not feel other movements, especially if she is immersed in her daily routine.

Since there is no ideal movement pattern and everyone has their own activity, the important thing is for mom to check that her activity level remains more or less the same. Typically it is calmer during the day , when Mom is busiest, and activated at night , when she relaxes. You will also be more active after a meal, especially if it is rich in sugars.

If you still have the feeling that you have not felt him in hours, you can encourage him to move: lie on the left loop, rest your belly on a pillow and wait a while. If you perform ten movements in a span of two hours (some do them in less than 30 minutes), you’re fine. And enjoy those kicks, the first communication with your baby, the tangible proof of fetal well-being.

Congratulations, because every day, with each of his elbows or bumps, he will remind you that he is by your side , that he is with you during your pregnancy. You will no longer be alone.

Photos | iStock

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