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15 famous quotes about childhood that will connect you with your inner child


The famous phrases invite us to reflect on very diverse topics; they connect us with revealing messages and encourage us to continue exploring life.

In this article we have made a selection of the best 15 famous phrases about childhood that will connect you with your inner child .

The inner child; that boy, or that girl, that we all have inside, that connects us with moments of our childhood and to which we must continue to attend and listen.

15 famous quotes about childhood that will connect you with your inner child

We leave you 15 famous phrases about childhood, from various thinkers and writers, that will invite you to reflect and that you can dedicate to your children or your loved ones.

“There is always a moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in.” (Graham Greene)

It is true that childhood is a stage full of beginnings, of first times ; But in those beginnings, the possibility of growth and of opening the doors to the future also begins to be cultivated.

To learn, mature, grow … Because precisely, his whole life is still ahead.

“Childhood knows the human heart.” (Edgar Allan Poe)

A phrase by the great writer and poet Edgar Allan Poe, who actually speaks of the innocence so typical of this stage of life. Of the humility and affection that characterize childhood.

“‘The infantile spirit is not a glass that we have to fill, but a home that we must warm.” (Plutarch)

And the thing is, “filling” (in quantity) is not the same as “heating” (in quality); This phrase by Plutarco actually speaks of the importance of educating and truly caring through love and dedication .

“Children have to play more with tools and games, draw and build; they have to feel more emotions and not so many worries about problems of their time.” (William Penn)

At this stage of life we must prioritize that children enjoy , connect with their emotions and disconnect from problems … They will have time to worry.

This does not mean that they cannot also assume responsibilities and that they also have to face unpleasant emotions. But let’s not forget that they are children! Let it be.

“The wonderful thing about childhood is that anything is wonderful in it.” (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)

A phrase by the British writer and journalist Gilbert Keith Chesterton, which refers to that illusion so characteristic of childhood. When we are little, we let ourselves be surprised by the little things, by the little discoveries …

And it is that in childhood, the ability to amaze us is intact . And thanks to it we learn, we get excited, we connect with the most primary emotions …

“What is an adult? A child inflated by age.” (Simone de Beauvoir).

A phrase that conveys the importance of continuing to be children despite age , years, experiences …

That speaks of the importance of continuing to have a child inside, because in that child, in that spirit, there is still a very important part of ourselves that we must continue to care for and attend to.

“I prefer the naive song of a child to the most beautiful music in the world; that song – like the dawn – contains all hope.” (Charles de Foucauld)

With this beautiful phrase by Foucauld, the contemplative mystic conveys to us that the ingenuity of children is wonderful ; allows them to explore, discover, get excited about the simplest things …

And furthermore, in that naivety we also find hope for the future, of a world yet to be discovered.

“One of the luckiest things that can happen to you in life is to have a happy childhood.” (Christie Agatha)

Childhood is a very important stage of life; In it , aspects of our self-esteem , our self-concept and our development are cultivated that will determine, to a large extent, our way of bonding, seeking well-being and facing the challenges of life.

“The best smell, that of bread; the best taste, that of salt; the best love, that of children.” (Graham Greene)

A phrase by the British writer Graham Greene, who takes us to that pure innocence of children, and to that sincere and special love that they transmit to us.

“The best way to make children good is to make them happy.” (Oscar Wilde)

Educating happy children is educating healthy and strong children … And in happiness, we find multiple tools to cultivate other essential aspects in their development.

“What one loves in childhood stays in the heart forever.” (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

A phrase that makes us connect directly with our inner child ; Everything we love in childhood stays inside us forever, defines us, leads us to the adult self

Because emotional experiences are the ones we remember the most and, furthermore, they largely shape our self-concept and self-esteem.

“Sow good ideas in children even if they do not understand them … The years will be in charge of deciphering them in their understanding and making them flourish in their hearts.” (Maria Montessori)

Learning during childhood, and practically throughout life, is not only mental or cognitive learning; it is an emotional learning , based on what we feel and what excites us.

If in childhood we transmit good ideas to children, they will gradually flourish in their heads and hearts.

“It is easier to build a strong child than to repair a broken adult” (Frederick Douglass)

In childhood , the first bonds are created, attachment … All of this is necessary to later bond with others, in a healthy way.

And that is why it is so important to take care of this stage of life. Because what we live in childhood conditions, for better or for worse, our adulthood.

Although logically, in adulthood many emotional aspects can also be dealt with , and change patterns acquired in childhood that make us unhappy, everything will be easier if we have had a structured and happy childhood.

“Childhood is a wonderful stage. There is no past, there is no future; only a present that is looked at with innocence and hope” (Carla Montero)

Carla Montero speaks in this sentence of something that many times we look for in adulthood; the ability to connect with the current moment, to enjoy the famous carpe diem .

And it is that children have this ability to enjoy the present moment without anchoring themselves in the past or getting lost in the future. Because for them, life is today; it is what they see, what they live, what they feel now.

“Neither the past nor the future exists. Everything is present.”

-Gonzalo Torrente Ballester-

“Childhood is a privilege of old age. I don’t know why I now remember it more clearly than ever.” (Mario Benedetti)

And it is that the memories of childhood, especially those that have marked us, remain impregnated in our memory and in our hearts. Because precisely, they are experiences that have been lived with great intensity .

And you, do you know any famous phrase about childhood that makes you connect with your childhood? Can you leave us in comments?

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