Home Fun The Police alert of a scam related to 'The Squid Game': Don't...

The Police alert of a scam related to 'The Squid Game': Don't bite!


‘The Squid Game’ has become a mass phenomenon, and in just a few weeks since its premiere it has become the most watched series in Netflix history, with 111 million viewers worldwide. But, be careful, because there are also those who are taking advantage of the success of ‘The Squid Game’, and this week the National Police has alerted through Twitter of a scam related to South Korean fiction .

According to the National Police, they have found several cards such as those received by the participants of the series with a QR code printed on the back : «If we scan a code and we do not know if it is trustworthy, it can take us to infectious sites and put in danger our devices ” , warns the body.

The cards are very similar to the ‘Squid Game’. On the front they have a circle, a triangle and a square drawn, and behind it is where the QR code appears .

The problem is that many fans of the series are scanning the QR code with their phones without knowing how dangerous it is. Although the National Police assures that this case the code leads to a commercial portal without risks in terms of security.

However it is not always so. Some QR codes, once scanned, download a virus onto the mobile phone . It may also be the case that it leads to an online store that appears to be secure. However, it is a fraudulent website, which only seeks to steal customers’ personal and bank details when making purchases.

To avoid this scam related to ‘The Squid Game’ of which the National Police warns , it is important never to lower your guard. We must be wary of any QR code that appears in public places, or that do not have any kind of reference to its origin. You also have to be very vigilant if they offer raffles, gifts, offers and promotions.


Con la excusa de #eljuegodelcalamar #juegodelcalamar #squidgame #netflix #malware #phishing

♬ Squid Game – Green Light Red Light – Yovinca Prafika



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