Home Fun Columbus Day: why the military parade is held on October 12

Columbus Day: why the military parade is held on October 12


October 12 is Hispanic Day, the National holiday of Spain, which is a public holiday throughout the country. On this day, various events are held that are a tradition, such as the military parade , which welcomes various personalities in Madrid. Why is this event held every October 12?

The so-called military or armed forces parade takes place in the capital and has its history, like everything that surrounds this day.

Apparently and years ago, this parade coincided during the Day of the Armed Forces, which takes place on May 30. It still exists and on this day it is normal for there to be a diversity of military acts in different areas of the country.

By order of Royal Decree 862/1997, this parade takes place on the festivity of Hispanidad Day , October 12, so that they are much more visible. What was sought was to be aware of what it represents for society, the importance of its functions. And this is carried out during other events of similar characteristics that take place on October 12.

Specifically, it seeks to identify the Armed Forces with the society they serve, joining the brightest annual act of the same to the rest of the celebration of this day.

Most timid act during 2020

As a result of the pandemic, the acts of the military parade on October 12, 2020 were not held as usual. It was an austere act and organized in the Plaza de la Armería, the Royal Palace. Where the flag raising was scheduled, and a shorter parade both land and air.

The act this 2021

But this year it is expected that the Armed Forces will once again parade through the center of the capital , with a reduced number of participants. Members of the Armed Forces, Civil Guard, National Police and Maritime Rescue will gather, as in other years, with land vehicles and aircraft.

The event will be chaired by the kings of Spain and the Infanta Sofía at the Plaza de la Lima at 10.30 am. There will be the raising of the flag, and the air and land parade. This year, a total of 2,656 military personnel, 68 aircraft, including airplanes and helicopters, and 115 vehicles are expected to participate in this parade.

Then there will be the reception of the kings in the Royal Palace with members of the Government, the table and spokespersons of the Congress and Senate, regional presidents, former presidents of the executive and other presidents of various institutions who join the acts of this day in which it is a national holiday.




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