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The most common manias and obsessions in the world and how to avoid them


What are the most common manias and obsessions in the world and how to avoid them? We all have our hobbies and even obsessions , but some of them are recurring or in fact repeated in many people. Let’s see what they are and what we can do to avoid them in the event that we have them.

The most common manias and obsessions in the world and how to avoid them

Although most of our manias are quite innocent or in fact do not affect our daily lives, in some cases a mania or obsession may become something main in our lives to the point that it does affect us in normal daily activities .

Depending on each case then we can assess if the mania we have is something light, or perhaps something potentially “dangerous” if it certainly becomes a real obsession to the point of not being able to do anything else or be thinking about it all the time. At this point it will be a question of asking whether the work of a professional is required to help us deal with our mania.

Let’s now get to know the most common manias and obsessions that, as we say in most cases, are just something anecdotal but can also turn into something serious.


Make sure you have checked that everything is in order , to avoid unpleasant consequences . It could be a shareable norm, except that for the obsessive it translates into a constant and disproportionate commitment. Trying to acquire the certainty that he has done everything in his power, the obsessive thus believes that he can prevent any conceivable catastrophe.

The controls continue for long times, repeated in excessive numbers and without any need. The goal is to repair or prevent serious accidents or misfortunes. Or feel calm when you doubt that you have done something wrong and do not remember it.

Typical behaviors are to check several times that the doors and windows of the house, the car doors, the gas and water faucet, the garage door or the heating have been closed. Or repeatedly make sure you haven’t lost your house keys or wallet, even if no one has opened the bag or the pockets they’re in.

There is nothing wrong if your hobby is to close the lights at home well, but if you stop your life several times before leaving to reaffirm yourself in your verification, perhaps the time has come to ask yourself whether or not you have a problem . A psychological consultation or a test will suffice. Leave home checking the lights once and voila. Mentally write down your feelings throughout the day and if you have felt bad about not having checked the lights several times.

Obsessive thoughts

In this case, people almost never engage in rituals or behavioral compulsions. However, they continually and repeatedly imagine that they find themselves making unacceptable, sometimes even violent gestures, such as attacking someone or betraying their partner.

They are impulses that usually remain at the mental level and do not pass into real life, but it does not hurt that they are treated psychologically, since even the idea of being able to perform certain acts is enough to trigger feelings of shame, guilt and resentment, as if it would have really been acted upon. You also try to escape from situations that seem to trigger those recurring thoughts.


Wearing a lucky charm is a fairly common hobby . As well as implementing rituals or behavior habits to calm down before an important test, such as an exam or a trip.

But in the case of obsession, these characteristics become sine qua non. Without the superstitious object or rite, the obsessive cannot face the dreaded event . Superstitious thinking thus leads to excess. We are dominated by self-imposed and absolutely subjective rules, for which it is necessary to make or not make certain gestures, say or not say certain words, avoid certain colors or move away from certain numbers. All things experienced as harbingers of doom.

For those who suffer from such obsessions, breaking the rules can determine the outcome of events , obviously in a negative way. The irrational belief may be so strong that you want to involve other people to follow their own procedure. This is the case, for example, of those who need to perform certain rituals before being able to get on a plane and request the participation of their fellow travelers. However, if the ritual is broken and the person verifies that nothing is happening, he may once and for all overcome his mania.

Order and symmetry

Order can become manic in people with obsessions
Being neat is definitely a good habit . Of course, not everyone who has a predisposition to order, however marked, suffers from obsession.

But a red flag in this regard could be the inability to tackle any job until the environment has the uncluttered look you want. Or when ordering becomes such a priority that obviously more urgent things are expected. For example, missing a deadline or being late to the office to fix the house. If the idea of a messy environment bothers you even when you are away from home, here you can hypothesize that you are dealing with obsessive behavior and that you obviously need to put yourself in the hands of a specialist.

On the other hand, the insistent search for symmetry is also an indication of pathology. Sorting books by height, organizing clothes in the closet by color, can be a harmless hobby if done occasionally and pleasantly. But if the urge to rearrange any object according to a pre-established mental scheme – and almost always invisible to the rest of the world – is uncontrollable and overrides any other sensation until it has been satisfied, we emerge from normality and approach pathology.

An obsessive person can spend a lot of time rearranging furniture and objects until they feel completely calm and satisfied. In the most serious cases, he is also inclined to do it outside his family environment , trying to restore order in the houses of friends or at the desk of a colleague; behaviors that obviously have strong relational repercussions.


The accumulation of garbage is a characteristic of some people with obsessions. It is a fact that most of our homes are occupied by objects accumulated over time. For this reason, for some time there has been talk of the art of freeing oneself from the material ballast that often floods houses. An activity that in most cases is reserved for reasons of time. For an obsessive subject afflicted by hoarding, however, it is impossible advice to follow.

Those who suffer from compulsive hoarding continue to accumulate objects that seem insignificant and useless. Among these, old newspapers or empty bottles, which in the eyes of the person can always be useful, so much so that they can even pick them up on the street.

In the most serious cases, the difficulty in throwing objects refers to any type of residue. Used paper towels or food packages, rags and tattered clothing are stored. Getting rid of it gives feelings of anguish, for the fear of not having exploited the object to the fullest, or of being able to need it later and regret not having it anymore. Something that ends up becoming a pathology that even has a name: diogenes syndrome.



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