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Discount space shuttles

discovery-nasa The January sales have also reached NASA. The US Space Agency intends to get rid of some space shuttles that will be discontinued from 2011, when the new space exploration program called Constellation takes over .

At the moment it already has a buyer for Discovery , which will go to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington (USA). Endeavor and Atlantis are still seeking ownership. And to encourage potential buyers, mainly science museums and schools, NASA has just announced a juicy discount: from the starting price of 42 million dollars (29.1 million euros) it has gone to 28.8 million euros. dollars (20 million euros). A "bargain" considering that it includes the costs of transporting the shuttles from the Kennedy Space Center and the costs of displaying the devices in an air-conditioned building.

Interested buyers have until February 19 to apply to NASA.



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