Home Living Recipes Grilled mushrooms stuffed with ricotta cheese

Grilled mushrooms stuffed with ricotta cheese


Grilled mushrooms stuffed with ricotta cheese make a great appetizer for any celebration . In addition to being an extremely delicious preparation, it is also healthy, ideal if we are on a diet. It is very simple and prepares quickly. In addition, it enchants even the smallest of the house. Another important fact is that it is suitable for vegetarians, so there are no excuses to prepare them.

Mushrooms are very good allies to keep us healthy. Besides being versatile in the kitchen, they are very nutritious. They have beta-glucans that strengthen the immune system. They benefit cardiovascular health thanks to its content in minerals such as potassium and sodium. Along with this, they help control blood pressure and also promote intestinal health.


  • 250 grams of medium mushrooms
  • 300 grams of ricotta cheese
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 small red onion
  • 1 teaspoon dried herb mix
  • Freshly ground pepper
  • Shall
  • How to Make Grilled Mushrooms Stuffed with Ricotta Cheese:

    1. Peel the onion and garlic. Then we cut the onion into six pieces and the garlic into very thin slices.
    2. The mushrooms must be very well washed. We can use a kitchen paper or a damp cloth to remove the part in the center . This is a very simple procedure, we gently press the trunk on both sides to detach the upper part. When pulling it will come out complete and we will have the center to place the filling. Champiñones
    3. We are not going to discard the part that we have just removed, as we will use it later. Meanwhile, we chop it into fine pieces and reserve.
    4. In a frying pan we add a drizzle of olive oil and heat. Sauté the garlic and onion for two minutes.
    5. After that time we add the trunks of the previously chopped mushrooms . We cook everything together for a few minutes.
    6. In a bowl we add the ricotta cheese together with the mushroom and garlic mixture . Add the herbs and season to taste. We stir everything very well.
    7. Now that we have the filling we place it in the mushrooms. We introduce it with a spoon and we arrange the mixture well.
    8. We preheat the oven to 190 ºC and cook the stuffed mushrooms for about 20 minutes . The time will depend on the size they are.
    9. Let cool for a few minutes and serve.

    This recipe for roasted mushrooms stuffed with ricotta cheese has an incredible combination of flavors . You can consume them as an aperitif or garnish. If you want, you can leave them prepared a day before and bake them before the celebration.



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