Home Living Recipes How to clean burnt pot inside

How to clean burnt pot inside


Yes, it is terrible when food sticks to the bottom of the pots or the bottom is blackened, it has happened to all of us. Not only that the pot is deteriorating with those remains that never go away, but sometimes it even leaves a strange taste in the food. That is why these tricks to clean burnt pot are effective and serve to clean pans, pots and pots; take note and get ready to leave the cookware as good as new.

Of course, depending on the material of the pot, one product will have to be used instead of another, but almost all those proposed here are natural. Of course, to clean a burned pot that has a non-stick coating you cannot use scourers because they would scratch and damage it.

How to clean burnt pot, 7 infallible tricks:

  1. Scouring pad yes, for pots, pans, saucepans and pans made of stainless steel, iron, copper, aluminum or clay . When detecting that it has been burned, add hot water, a splash of dishwasher and leave it to act for a few minutes , so that the burned layer softens. Then you can use the scourer to remove the remains .
  2. To clean burned Teflon or ceramic pot, use a soft sponge, and if you have to scratch it should be done with a wooden, plastic or Teflon utensil , so as not to damage the material.
  3. Sodium bicarbonate can be used: prepare a solution of one tablespoon of bicarbonate per liter and a half of water . Put the water in the pot to heat, when it boils add the bicarbonate and stir to dissolve . Let it boil for a few minutes, remove from heat and scrape with a wooden spatula . When you take everything off, empty the pot, let it cool and wash as usual .
  4. With vinegar : cover the bottom of the burned pot with white alcohol vinegar. Heat until it comes to a boil. Leave on the fire until the vinegar is consumed. Cool and clean the bottom.
  5. Clean with salt : remove as much as possible the dirt from the pot, put two or three fingers of water and two tablespoons of salt, let it rest for 30 minutes and rub . If everything still does not come out, put the pot on the fire with the same amount of water and salt and bring to a boil . Let cool and rub.
  6. With cola : open a can of cola and pour it into the pot, bring to a boil over low heat and scratch . Cacerola quemada
  7. With lemon : rub a lemon on the burned area. Wash with a scourer and repeat if necessary .

With these tricks to clean burnt pot your pans will be shiny and clean, like new.



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