Home Economy Financial Job offers: BBVA opens 220 vacancies in Colombia

Job offers: BBVA opens 220 vacancies in Colombia


The entity is looking for professionals in areas such as technology and engineering, among others. It also has 20 places for young people under the ‘My First Job’ program.

The BBVA bank opened 220 vacancies this week for systems engineers, developers, cybersecurity experts, data scientists and accountants. They are also looking for professionals for administrative and commercial positions of an executive nature.

“At BBVA we are committed to the economic recovery of the country and to Colombian talent. Proof of this is that in the last year we have hired more than 240 professionals to work with us in different areas of the organization and we have promoted our diversity and inclusion plan, linked in many of them to women and young people ”, says Jorge Hernández , vice president of talent and culture at BBVA in Colombia.

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According to Hernández, they hope to have new talents who bring with them innovative ideas to continue consolidating in the country.

Those interested in applying for these vacancies must live in Colombia and be over 18 years of age , in addition to meeting the requirements of each role.

Positions must be constantly consulted on the BBVA website or by clicking here . Applications and resumes are received right there.

BBVA also reported that within these places it has 20 places available for young people under the ‘My First Job’ program.

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In addition, the entity will develop a training program that seeks to train 30 young people from all over the country in the development of new technologies so that they can later join the organization.

Currently, this financial entity has more than 5,000 collaborators in its staff, of which about 60% are women. 45% of positions in senior management are also held by female talent.

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According to BBVA, over the last two years it has hired women in areas related to finance, e-commerce, payment platforms and startups . He has also linked professionals in technology and data analysis.

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