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Keys to choosing your first car


Buying a new vehicle is not an easy task , especially when it comes to a first car. There are many factors to take into account when choosing between the options offered by the market, so the first advice that you have to follow is not to overwhelm yourself with the amount of available offers you find, but rather to take the process calmly, taking into account that certain difficulties will always appear that we did not have at first. In addition, the excitement and concern that comes from thinking that we will soon find ourselves turning the wheel of our new toy can play tricks on us, influencing us to make bad decisions …

Are you traveling with children and / or dogs? Are you going to travel long distances often? Are you going to do short urban distances? Are you going to have to carry a lot of luggage? You like the snow? You have to be very clear about all your priorities, as well as your needs. In this way, you can quickly discard a million options that do not suit you and keep those that suit your lifestyle, so that the car you buy does not lack essentials, or to avoid having to pay for extras that do not you need.

Don’t forget to try it!

When you already have the type of car you want in mind, it is important that you try it out before you buy it, since not doing it is one of the mistakes that novice buyers make most frequently. Typically, dealerships do not have exactly a test vehicle identical to the version you are interested in, and many people forget this all-important detail.

As for whether it is better for your first car to be new or second-hand , there is a wide variety of opinions. There are those who think that it is better to buy a second-hand one because at first it is easy to give it the odd hit. However, there are also those who believe that it is better to buy a new one from the beginning, as this will force you to be more careful. Be that as it may, in both cases you will have to try to take care of it so that, in the end, the purchase has been worth it.

Cheap and easy to maintain

Another tip that will save you several headaches is to buy a cheap and easy to maintain car. So, the best thing you can do is choose a cheap car that has sold a lot , because then you will not have problems finding parts, and the mechanics will know it well, so the fixes will be quick and less expensive. In addition, as they tend to coincide with the best-selling models, there is more offer on the market, so it will always be easier to find them at a competitive price.

Finally, our last recommendation is that your first car has a manual transmission , because if you buy an automatic and one day you are forced to take another car other than yours, it will cost you a lot to drive the manual. In addition, you will have greater control over what you want to do with the car and you will better understand how each and every one of its parts works.



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