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Nicolás Machiavelli: The best phrases of the father of modern Political Science that will make you reflect


Niccolò Machiavelli was an Italian writer, politician, philosopher, and civil servant diplomat, considered the father of modern political science. He was one of the most relevant figures of the Italian Renaissance. He wrote his treatise on political doctrine entitled ‘The Prince’ in 1513, and it was published in Rome in 1531. He is considered one of the most important theorists of the Renaissance. Below we have selected the most well-known phrases of Niccolò Machiavelli, on which it is worth reflecting: Famous Quotes of Niccolò Machiavelli It is better to do and repent, than not to do and repent. Few see what we are, but all see what we pretend. It is better to do and repent, than not to do and repent. Men offend the one they love rather than the one they fear.The nature of arrogant and vile men is to be insolent in prosperity and abject and humble in adversity. Men must be pampered or crushed, because they take revenge for light offenses, since they cannot be serious offenses: the affront that is done to a man must be such that there is no occasion to fear his revenge. The princes must execute through others the measures that can bring them hatred, and execute by themselves those that bring them the favor of the subjects. There are three kinds of intellect: the first discerns by itself; the second understands what the others discern, and the third neither discerns nor understands what the others discern. The first is excellent, the second good, and the third useless. It turns out that when everyone can tell the truth, they are disrespectful. Therefore, a prudent prince must prefer a third way: surround himself with men of good judgment.God does not want to do everything, so as not to take away your free will and that part of the glory that corresponds to you. All well-governed states and all intelligent princes have been careful not to reduce the nobility to despair, nor the people to discontent. Skill and perseverance are the weapons of weakness. He who is elected a prince with popular favor must keep the people as a friend. Weapons should be reserved for the last place, where and when other means are not enough. He who wants to be a tyrant and does not kill Brutus and he who wants to establish a free state and does not kill Brutus’ children, will only keep his work for a short time.



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