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What is the appendix, what is its function and what is it for?


The appendix is a small extension of the cecum in the abdomen. It is usually always mentioned when talking about the cause of appendicitis and although it is also said that it is useless for anything else, the truth is that it seems that science has proven otherwise. We now talk about what the appendix is, what it does and what it is for. What is the appendix The appendix, also called the vermiform or cecal appendix, is a small glove-shaped extension of the cecum, the beginning of the large intestine. Ranging in size from 4 to 12 cm in length and 4 to 8 mm in diameter, this is an organ that is on the right side of the abdomen. Depending on the person, it can be found in different places in the abdominal cavity. Therefore, it can be found in the right iliac fossa, in the pelvis, or on the right flank. In very rare cases, the presence of a second appendix may be observed. What is its function and what is it used for? The exact function of the appendix is unknown. In fact, it is an organ considered a “relic of evolution” that does not play any role in the body. However, recent researchers and studies have speculated that it could serve as a reservoir for bacteria that are good for the body.In fact, a study called “Morphological Evolution of the Cecum and Cecal Appendage of Mammals” and published by researchers from the Midwestern University of Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2017, revealed that the role of the appendix was related to nutrition and found that the role of the appendix was related to nutrition. lymphoid tissue was able to stimulate the growth of some types of beneficial intestinal bacteria accumulated within the appendix, which would serve to replace those that are eventually lost due to antibiotic therapies or intestinal infections; something that would be of great help for the prevention of our health.Appendicitis Despite these findings and that it seems that this organ would have its function, it is also known that it is the organ responsible for appendicitis, which in fact corresponds to acute inflammation of the appendix. It is characterized by sudden, sharp pain in the area below the right side of the belly button. This is the most common abdominal medical emergency. In fact, a surgical operation is essential to avoid rupture of the organ that can lead to perforation of the peritoneum. It consists of the removal of the appendix after a small incision. This is called an appendectomy.



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