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Psychosis, cannabis use … what factors influence mental disorders?


On world mental health day 2021, it is important to know what are the factors that influence mental disorders , because it has been discovered that there are many more, especially beyond genetics. And each problem also has its particularity.

For this, and as Europa Press collects, some institutions, headed by the CIBER for Mental Health (CIBERSAM), have produced an atlas that compiles numerous risk factors for mental disorders beyond genetics.

Well, there are certain factors that affect this type of disease and there are also differences in each of them. From the CIBERSAM group at the Institute of Psychiatry and Mental Health of the Gregorio Marañón General University Hospital, they point out that all mental disorders have a significant genetic load , but environmental risk factors have been less studied.

What factors influence mental disorders?

Risk factors for dementia

For this type of disease, some risk factors are type 2 diabetes mellitus, depression and low frequency of social contacts.

In psychotic disorders

In this case, the strongest risk factors have been high-risk clinical status for psychosis, cannabis use, and childhood adversities.

Autism and ADHD

In this particular case, the most important risk factor was maternal overweight before or during pregnancy, and for attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), it was maternal obesity before pregnancy, maternal smoking, and being overweight before or during pregnancy. .


In this case, the researchers behind such studies to be able to determine much more about the origin of mental illnesses have detected a solid protective factor: high physical activity against Alzheimer’s disease.

Many more studies

All this is still very incipient, in the sense that many more studies are needed to determine what other factors affect mental health beyond genetics. The more studies the better to be able to study all of this before mental disorders actually appear.

The previous conclusions have been drawn from different world organizations, as it is a multidisciplinary and international study. Since, in addition to CIBERSAM, institutions from Sweden, the United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, the United States, Germany, Australia, South Korea and Norway have participated.

In any case, and analyzing data from world mental health day 2021, what is clear is that this type of disease continues to rise , and with the pandemic, much more has been suffered throughout the world.



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