Home Living Recipes Salmon terrine, low calorie recipe

Salmon terrine, low calorie recipe


The salmon terrine is an ideal dish for a light summer lunch , to serve as a light buffet or diet starter, as it is very low in calories. It is also very practical to make with a healthy pate that can be kept in the refrigerator and eaten cold.

The origin of terrines is very ancient and dates back to the Roman Empire, where sumptuous foods were served in the form of patés, with various fillings, such as cheese, chestnuts and figs. The variations, over time, have become extensive and one of the favorites is the fish terrine versions.

In this case, the recipe is of German origin and is made with salmon, one of the healthiest fish, and wholemeal rye bread , which make this dish have a very low caloric intake, only 230 calories per serving. It also offers a balanced nutritional intake, with 19.06 grams of protein, 27.71 grams of carbohydrates and 5.26 of fats.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 300 grams of salmon
  • 250 grams of whole wheat rye bread
  • Philadelphia type cream cheese, with herbs
  • preparation:

    1. Steam or grill the salmon until it is very tender , let it cool and then mash it with a fork , forming a smooth paste.
    2. Cover a terrine or loaf pan with cling film.
    3. Alternatively, layer with whole wheat rye bread, cream cheese, and salmon. Finish with a layer of bread.
    4. Cover the preparation with another plastic wrap, press the terrine and reserve in the refrigerator for a few hours.
    5. Remove from the cold, lift the paper and place the terrine in a source.
    6. To serve, cut thick slices. Paté salmón

    This German recipe is made with the rye bread known as pumpernickel , a traditional bread from Westphalia and made from lightly ground rye cooked with steam. But you can substitute it for another rye bread and even for a homemade whole wheat rye bread.

    The terrine is the name of the recipe and also the device where the fish bread is pressed. It is traditionally made of terracotta and has a lid that adjusts to press the pâté, although it can also be found in cast iron.

    If you don’t have a terrine at home, you can use a loaf pan and add a lid with a weight on top, so that the terrine takes its shape.

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