Home Living Travel Wearable ways to keep your valuables safe on the go

Wearable ways to keep your valuables safe on the go


Securing your valuables while traveling can be challenging.

The hotel deposit box will take care of the things you don’t need on a day-to-day basis, but if one isn’t available, you don’t trust it, or you need to carry cards, cash, and passports for whatever reason, you need to find a way to keep things. safe on your person.

Here are some ways to keep things safe when you’re on the go.

Money belts

Money belts come in many different sizes and styles, and some are better than others.

Traditional zippered money belts wrap around the waist and sit under clothing, which means they stay hidden most of the time as you move.

Big enough to carry passports, money and other small valuables, they can get quite sweaty and uncomfortable, especially in hot weather or if there is too much stuff inside. Also, since they have become so commonly used, thieves have noticed and often tell victims to lift their shirts to verify the presence of a money belt.

Waist wallets are similar to traditional money belts, but are instead attached to an existing belt. They are usually tucked into the front of a pair of shorts or pants and have the same pros and cons as standard money belts.

A more discreet option for storing currency is the belted wallet, typically a small zippered compartment on the back of an otherwise normal leather or fabric belt. Some folded notes are placed lengthwise inside the belt pocket, out of sight of all but the most determined thief. However, there is no room for cards, passports, or anything else, so you will need an alternative approach to protect them.

Neck bags

Easier to conceal than a money belt, neck bags hang inside the shirt to keep valuables out of sight. They work best with shirts and tops that do not have a low neckline, so the drawstring cannot be easily seen.

Neck bags tend to come in one of two sizes, a larger version that fits passports and documents, and a smaller size for money and cards.

Unless you are traveling in colder climates and are wearing multiple layers, do not pack too much in these bags as they can become visible through light clothing. Try to find a model with an adjustable drawstring, so that you can wear it in a way that suits your height and clothes.

Shoulder and upper body bags

Shoulder and body bags sacrifice accessibility for security, they tie to the body and clothing in a number of ways to keep everything as secure as possible.

As the name implies, the shoulder bags fit over the shoulder and under the armpit to keep valuables close at hand. Some models are designed to be worn under a jacket, but for maximum safety, look for the ones that sit against the skin and can be worn with almost any type of clothing.

To secure slightly larger items, consider concealed body bags instead. Like shoulder bags, they tend to hang slightly lower and sit on the side of the body at stomach level.

Women also have the option of a »bra stash«, a soft pouch that clips almost anywhere on the bra strap and can be used to store cash, cards and other small items.

Leg and arm wallets

If your upper body options aren’t ideal, perhaps due to discomfort at higher temperatures, consider a leg or arm wallet.

They usually use Velcro to fasten quite tightly around the upper arm or various parts of the leg and are kept hidden under a shirt or long pants. Leg versions are easier to keep hidden than arm-based models, making them the best selection security.

Look for wallets that have strong Velcro to secure them in place, as the last thing you want is for them to slide off your leg as you walk.

The most important thing to remember about all of these accessories is that they are only useful if they are kept out of sight, so do not store things that you know you will need regular access to. Instead, keep a small wallet or purse handy, with a single card or a small amount of cash inside, just enough to cover your needs for the day.

If you don’t want to bother with any of the hidden belts and bags, but still want a bit more security, there is one last option.

Anti-theft wallet

Wallets are an attractive target for pickpockets, especially when stored in back pockets or baggy clothing. To keep unwanted hands off your money, some companies make anti-theft wallets specifically designed for travel.

They typically include a cut-proof metal chain that can be securely attached to a belt or bag loop, preventing it from moving more than a few inches without your knowledge.

The chains are usually long enough to be able to use the wallet comfortably when needed, but a thief will not be able to run away with it. Be careful though: your life and safety are more important than a passport or wallet, and you can risk antagonizing an assailant by not being able to quickly deliver valuables when needed.



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