Home Fun Why do we sleep with our eyes closed?

Why do we sleep with our eyes closed?


The functioning of the human body is surrounded by an infinity of curiosities that explain every action that is carried out, either internally or externally. If you have ever wondered why we sleep with our eyes closed , today we are going to give you the explanation so that you can solve that question.

Although there are some people who sleep with their eyes half-open, especially young children, the general pattern is quite clear that the vast majority of us sleep with our eyes closed.

The reason we sleep with our eyes closed

One of the main explanations focuses on the work of the eyelids, that when we are awake they are open and the brain works constantly sending orders to the rest of the body, for example, to move arms or legs, think, eat … If the eyelids are closed , the brain does not consume that energy and, therefore, relaxes to be able to sleep.

Another explanation focuses on the reception of light, which is transformed into images for the human brain and causes the eyes to be constantly working. Closing the eyes eliminates almost all of these visual stimuli , so the brain relaxes and the body can rest.

Sometimes you can sleep with your eyes open , for example when you have dryness in them, sleepwalking, lack of rest or some psychological disorders. If you find yourself with any of these problems, consult your doctor so he can help you find a solution and you can sleep normally.

The truth is that the body reacts naturally , and when you are sleepy your eyes close, and as much as you fight against it to keep them open, there usually comes a time when it is impossible and the eyes close to start sleeping. .




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