Home Fun World Physiotherapy Day 2021: why this day and benefits

World Physiotherapy Day 2021: why this day and benefits


This September 8 is celebrated the world day of physiotherapy . A day that has taken place since 1996 and that commemorates the constitution of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT). This highlights its importance and the specialty of physiotherapists.

This celebration aims to show the important role of the profession for the health and well-being of the world population, raise the professional profile and carry out campaigns before governments and political leaders.

Why is this day celebrated?

It was chosen on September 8 because it is when the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) was born and founded in 1951.

What does a physical therapist do?

It should be noted that these professionals are specialized in moving certain parts of the body, such as joints and ligaments, as well as postural problems that can cause some type of injury.

Physiotherapy and Covid

The General Council of Colleges of Physiotherapists of Spain explains that this day is once again focusing on the effects left by the pandemic.

In this sense, the World Health Organization recommends that in rehabilitation for persistent COVID , physiotherapists, as experts in movement-based treatment, teach people to resume their daily activities slowly, with an adequate rhythm that is safe and adaptable to energy levels within the limits of your current symptoms.

This rehabilitation carried out by professionals should have as a priority effect preventing oxygen desaturation during any activity that involves exertion. In this sense, the presence of a respiratory physiotherapy specialist can help when signs of hyperventilation and alterations in the respiratory pattern are registered.

Discover what are the benefits of physiotherapy

According to FisioFocus, this specialty together with physical exercise, can be a therapeutic possibility to improve health through the benefits that are achieved through its practice.

In general, it is based on improving pain, among others:

  • Reduce muscle tension and relieve pain
  • Improve tissue mobility and quality of movement
  • Avoid risk of injury
  • Relax the body and mind
  • Improve rest and quality of sleep
  • Increase the feeling of well-being
  • Provide vitality

Thus, we celebrate World Physiotherapy Day 2021 with various practices and recognizing the role that physiotherapists perform on a day-to-day basis.




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