Tech UPTechnologyAccording to a study, we must urgently reduce methane...

According to a study, we must urgently reduce methane emissions

We must reduce methane emissions by 45% during this decade to help slow global warming. This is the conclusion reached by research from the Stockholm Environment Institute at York University.

The report concludes that methane emissions must be reduced if global warming is to be kept within the limit established in the Paris Climate Agreement. This agreement, which was signed by 200 countries, aims to keep global temperature rise 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels by the end of this century.

How is methane produced?

Methane is produced when living things decompose, being a key element in ozone near the ground. Furthermore, it is a harmful pollutant for humans.

In addition, the research also looks at the benefits of reducing methane, concluding that reducing it by 45% would prevent around 260,000 premature deaths and 775,000 asthma-related hospital visits. In addition, the loss of 25 million tons of crops could also be prevented.

Urgent measures

According to Johan Kuylenstierna, researcher and co-author of the report, drastically reducing methane emissions is essential to slowing the rate of global warming in the short term, since it has a relatively short life in the atmosphere.

In addition, as the report concludes, urgent action must be taken as methane emissions (caused by man) are increasing faster than at any time in history since records began in the 1980s.

According to scientists, this is a major cause for concern, as methane is an extremely powerful greenhouse gas, responsible for 30% of global warming since pre-industrial times.


Unlike carbon dioxide, which can remain in the atmosphere for hundreds of years, methane decomposes rapidly, with most of it disappearing after a decade. This means that reducing methane emissions could help to quickly reduce the rate of warming in the short term.

Also, as the report states, most man-made methane emissions come from fossil fuels, waste and agriculture. Therefore, it is essential to use existing technologies to urgently reduce methane emissions as much as possible in this decade.

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