Tech UPTechnologyClubhouse Android Trials and Other Tech News of the...

Clubhouse Android Trials and Other Tech News of the Week

E-commerce tests through Tiktok and news on Spotify also occupied the news agenda of the technology world in recent days.

Clubhouse para Android

The audio social network Clubhouse reported that its beta version is now available for American Android users and that it will reach the rest of the countries in the coming weeks.

Clubhouse launched a beta version for some Android testers in early May, but the company announced last weekend that it is extending the service to anyone, as long as they receive an invitation from a user with an existing account on the social network. .

Read more about it at: Clubhouse opens its beta version for Android users

What’s new in Spotify

Spotify incorporated three new options to share content from its platform. These include the ability to mark a point in time to listen to a podcast.

The objective is that users can share a program so that the recipients can listen to it just at the moment it caught the attention of the person who shares.

Read more about what’s new in Spotify: Spotify now lets you share podcasts with a timestamp

Sales through Tiktok

TikTok would be working with brands to test sales in Europe through its platform. As Bloomberg explains, this is an initiative that will intensify competition with Facebook and continue to blur the barriers between social media and e-commerce.

People familiar with the matter told Bloomberg that TikTok has started working with merchants in markets like the UK on ways to sell products directly to millions of users within the app.

We suggest: TikTok started testing of in-app purchases

Spacex + Google = satellite internet

Elon Musk Spacex’s space exploration company announced a partnership with Google to provide high-speed internet to its customers, businesses and organizations. The ground stations of the Starlink satellites would be installed in Google’s data centers, to facilitate access to the cloud.

Read more about it: SpaceX and Google team up to develop satellite internet

Google fined in Italy

The competition regulator in Italy announced last Thursday the imposition of a fine against Google for more than 102 million euros (US $ 123 million) for abuse of a dominant position.

Follow the news of El Espectador on Google News

The fine is due to Google’s refusal to accept on its Google Play platform an application that allows locating charging terminals for electric vehicles.

We recommend more about this: Italy fines Google 100 million euros for abuse of dominant position

Thanks to the podcasts! Spotify reported 456 million monthly active users

The streaming company grew 20% and reached 195 million subscribers, however the company's shares fell.

Tech companies address the problem of mental health in their own way

Although many digital platforms have been criticized for their harmful effects on mental health, some companies are generating proposals to contribute with a solution.

A playlist to mop up: brands turn to music to connect with Generation Z...

Among the recent marketing strategies is that of brands such as Fabuloso, which instead of advertising, create playlists for specific times of the day.

Spotify wants more clarification on corona issues

It's about misleading information about the corona virus - and about what should actually be said and who should be heard. Many celebrities express their displeasure with a podcast. Now Spotify is responding to the criticism.

Spotify takes action against misinformation about Corona

Because stars like Neil Young and Joni Mitchell want to see their music removed from Spotify, the streaming service is now speaking up. An initiative against misinformation is to be implemented.
