EconomyLearnability, a must-have skill for the next professional world

Learnability, a must-have skill for the next professional world

(Expansion) – Every person has a series of talents to cultivate, skills to develop and knowledge to nurture. By definition, human beings are permanently in a state of evolution; maturing is growing, and experience allows us to aspire to improve as individuals and as members of a society.

The contemporary era, full of innovation, uncertainty and volatility, demands that professionals and organizations are willing to learn continuously, updating in knowledge and strategies. The risk of not adapting to the changing context is falling into obsolescence and losing ground in a highly competitive market.

As the Chinese magnate Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba, says in conferences: “We all remember the fable of the hare and the tortoise. Well, today’s world demands that we be as fast as the hare, and as patient and persevering as the tortoise ”.

Those who learn to adapt to the hyperdynamic environment ahead will be the big winners. Who will be the professionals coveted by headhunters ? Those with a natural disposition to acquire knowledge, discover horizons, and stimulate their creativity through novel experiences.

There is an Anglo-Saxon term that describes this very special quality: learnability . The ability to learn occurs in individuals who release their curiosity, are not afraid of change, and recognize that we are never adept enough in a discipline, but that something new can always be learned.

The good news is that each and every one of us can make the commitment to take learnability seriously and strengthen our ability to learn and unlearn continuously. In this order of ideas, here I share three points to start us in the important task of learnability :

One. In most Western countries, traditional education offers us postgraduate programs once we have completed undergraduate or undergraduate university training. This is a good bet, as long as we choose an option that fits our needs and professional aspirations.

If we are interested in studying a master’s or doctorate, it will be essential to observe different universities and study plans to make a suitable choice. Continuing education courses such as diplomas and specialties are often a smart investment, as they provide specific professionalizing knowledge and are relatively short in duration.

Two. The self-taught formula should not be underestimated, as it has multiple advantages. Going to reading is a flexible and accessible way to strengthen our culture, stimulate the intellect, and open up creative thinking. Reading books related to topics of interest and validity is useful, although, likewise, articles from specialized magazines or documents written by experts can be consulted.

In turn, audiobooks, podcasts and online courses are valuable resources through which we can update information, reinforce knowledge, and learn new things.

Curiosity is the best ally of self-taught people; the eagerness to discover transcends limits and leads to the attainment of an extremely solid wisdom in various subjects.

Three. The concept of just-in-time learning or learning just in time management is applied by notable companies worldwide. It is about thoroughly preparing an event or activity of professional relevance, gathering information, developing skills, and envisioning possible scenarios.

For example, if we were to have an important business meeting with Swiss investors in a month’s time, perhaps there would be room for opportunity to become familiar with aspects of the business culture of that European country, and even memorize a few polite phrases in the French language.

Surely also, we could learn about the profile and trajectory of the investors in question in order to generate empathy and links that facilitate professional treatment. It would not hurt to consult some TedX talks on negotiation topics, and even read a book on how to close deals.

The ability to learn or learnability will be one of the most important qualities in the near future. In this context, conformity will be the enemy of professional improvement and apathy will become the great obstacle to overcome in work teams with a high density of talent. Learning, unlearning and relearning: the unavoidable triad to achieve success.

Editor’s note: José Guillermo Fournier Ramos is a professor at the Universidad Anáhuac Mayab. Vice-president of Masters AC, a civil association that promotes effective communication and social leadership. He is also a communication and image advisor, analyst, and a doctoral student in Government. Follow him on and on. The opinions expressed in this column belong exclusively to the author.

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