Tech UPTechnologyMyths about the environment

Myths about the environment

The environment is in vogue, and we are increasingly familiar with some of its key concepts. However, there are very frequent confusions in the use of the terms and, in addition, many companies are jumping on the ecological bandwagon to increase the sales of their products in a technique called 'greenwashing' or green face wash.

This marketing practice uses various misleading advertising strategies to convince us that a company or institution is respectful of the environment when most of its practices are not. The ways are very diverse: from offering vague data without objective endorsement, showing only a 'greener' feature of a product while omitting information on other less sustainable aspects, doing a symbolic act such as a restocking or a donation to wash the image, or using concepts such as 'bio', 'natural' or 'sustainable' that do not indicate anything.

The growing concern for the environment and caring for the planet is very good news, and to help you not be sold smoke we have selected some very nuanced confusions or statements on environmental issues. Most of them give a lot of debate and have many studies and analysis behind. If you want to delve into any of them, do not hesitate to look for bibliography and information from reliable sources , or send us a comment telling us which topics interest you the most, we will try to contact experts to offer you rigorous and objective information about them.

We started!

What are the real impacts of a golf course?

Although it may seem that golf is a sport closely linked to natural spaces, it actually has a great impact on the environment.

How do the new bladeless wind turbines work?

A new technology is trying to make its way into the world of renewable energies: vortex wind turbines.

What do we really gain by protecting nature?

The natural environment can be valued in different ways, and the economic one is not always the right one.

A Nazi shipwreck is leaking toxic explosives into the water

Eighty years later, experts from Ghent University have found that the World War II ship has damaged the surrounding seabed.

The 'weeds' are not so bad

The definition of 'weed' is completely anthropocentric, and is based on its undesirable character for humans.
