Home Fun The 5 most caloric foods in the world

The 5 most caloric foods in the world


One of the most important aspects of good health is eating a balanced diet. It is true that we can all indulge ourselves from time to time, but it is not a good idea to abuse them. It is of special interest to know which are the most caloric foods in the world .

Vegetable oils

The first place in the ranking is for vegetable oils since practically 100% of their composition is fat . This means that its caloric content can reach 900 calories per 100 grams. Now, this does not mean that we should eliminate them completely from the diet, but rather moderate their consumption. For example, olive oil is very beneficial for health, so we can add a little to salads.


Mayonnaise is one of the most consumed sauces in the world. In Spain we usually take it in a multitude of dishes, such as stuffed eggs or Russian salad. It is made with vegetable oil and egg, and provides 831 calories per 100 grams .


Butter is one of the most consumed foods globally, and also one of the most caloric . Its uses in the kitchen are very varied: as an ingredient to make cakes and pastries, with toast for breakfast … It is very high in fat, so it provides almost 750 calories per 100 grams.


It is well known by all that walnuts are excellent for taking care of health, and even doctors recommend taking a handful as a snack in the middle of the morning or mid-afternoon. It is important not to abuse them because 100 grams provide 640 calories . We can take them in small amounts and from time to time, not every day.


And finally, the bacon. It is a very rich source of saturated (bad) fats, which contribute to raising the levels of bad cholesterol in the body . If we add to this that it contributes 625 calories per 100 grams, we are facing a food that is better to avoid.

Finally, it should be noted that, according to the World Health Organization , men should take between 2,000 and 2,500 calories a day and women between 1,600 and 2,000 calories. Of course, this figure is highly variable depending on physical activity and other aspects.

To have good health, you have to eat five meals a day: breakfast, lunch, lunch, snack and dinner . It is also advisable to exercise three times a week.



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