Tech UPTechnologyThe city blocks your brain

The city blocks your brain

It is enough to walk a few minutes down a busy street surrounded by the noise of cars, voices, sirens and horns for our brain to process information less efficiently . It is the conclusion of a study carried out by the psychologist of the Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Michigan Marc Berman, who assures that contact with nature produces the opposite effect.

In the experiments carried out by Bercman and his team, two groups of students wandered, some through busy streets and others through a park, and then underwent a series of psychological tests of memory and attention . Those who had walked through the city fared worse than those who had walked in the park. And not only that. Experiments reveal that city bustle also reduces self-control . Also, a brain tired of city stimuli is more prone to rage .

To remedy it at a time in history when most of the world's population lives in cities, scientists propose planting trees in city centers and creating urban parks in which to significantly reduce the negative effects of life urban.

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