Tech UPTechnologyThe Rover Opportunity Legacy: An Artificial Hero

The Rover Opportunity Legacy: An Artificial Hero

The exploration of distant territories is one of the most powerful ambitions of the human being since its origins. Once the Earth was explored, technological development allowed in the 20th century feats such as space exploration and the study of other distant bodies. Even the possibility of man to put his own feet on them.

And if the human being has more and more exact and detailed knowledge about its closest planetary neighbor, Mars, it is thanks to artifacts such as NASA’s Rover Opportunity. His trajectory makes him one of the most important artificial devices of all time , which will make him occupy a privileged position in the robot hall of fame.

The Rover Opportunity remained active for almost 15 years exploring Mars without rest, greatly exceeding its life expectancy with its twin Spirit, since the mission was designed to last only 90 days; among many of the successes achieved by the robot.

Opportunity’s analyzes were key to elucidating that the red planet was, in fact, a hot and humid place, with the appropriate conditions for the maintenance of life, as we know it. And an essential condition for this is the presence of liquid water.

In addition, he set a driving record for one day on Mars. He sent more than 200,000 images to Earth, exposed the surfaces of 52 rocks to reveal new mineral surfaces for analysis, and discovered strong clues in Endeavor Crater of the action of ancient waters, similar to that of drinking water from a pond or lake in the earth.


Persevered to the end

After overcoming many adversities, in 2018 it was knocked down by a severe sandstorm that blocked sunlight and left Opportunity without power. After months of waiting, NASA finally announced in February 2019 that it was missing the robot.

His final adventure took place at the western end of the Perseverance Valley. There could be no more appropriate name for the ending of this metal hero, who is a symbol of one of the greatest exploration achievements in history, who was a pioneer in the study of other worlds, who was able to overcome all kinds of adversity. on the hostile Martian soil, and that has allowed humanity to have key clues about the red planet, to better prepare and in more efficient ways for future rovers explorers that reach Mars.

Although its loss is irreparable (not only for its technological and scientific value, but as a symbol of human progress), its legacy is now present in other Martian exploration artifacts, such as NASA’s InSight, which landed on November 26. of 2018.


Goodbye, Oppy, and well done.

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