Tech UPTechnologyWe are 100 seconds from the apocalypse

We are 100 seconds from the apocalypse

In 2020 we place ourselves in a historical record of the Clock of the Last Judgment, the symbolic indicator that represents in minutes to midnight the arrival of the end of humanity. Now , in 2021 we are still dangerously close to midnight, one more year.

As a result, the 'minute hand' is as close to Armageddon as it has ever been and for the second year in a row.

What exactly does the Doomsday Clock represent?

It is a symbolic device that warns the public about how close our species is to destroying itself and the planet . It is, therefore, a metaphorical reminder of everything that urgently requires our attention for humanity to survive.

One of the moments of greatest danger for humanity came with nuclear weapons.

Who is in charge of this "clock"?

In the first days after it was implanted, the Bulletin's founding editor, Eugene Rabinowitch, was the only one who decided whether the hand of the Doomsday Clock should move. Following his death in 1973, the Bulletin's Science and Safety Board assumed responsibility, meeting every two years to discuss world events and reset the clock when necessary.

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