Tech UPTechnology15 milestones in the history of Google that you...

15 milestones in the history of Google that you should know

Every September 27, Google celebrates its anniversary. On the seventeenth birthday of the company that created the most famous search engine in the world, we collect 15 great milestones in its history that you should know.

1.Larry Page and Sergey Brin created the Google search engine at Stanford University (USA) in 1996. At first it was calledBackRub.

2.The name of Google is a play on the mathematical term “gogol”, whose pronunciation in English is similar to that of “Google” and which refers to thenumber one followed by 100 zeros. The choice of term is based on your objective oforganize a seemingly infinite amount of information on the web.

3.Theprimer doodle the GoogleIt was a symbol of the “Burning Man” that Google developers created in 1998 to announce that they were attending the festival of the same name that is held every year in the Nevada desert and which brings together artists of the most diverse colors. The second doodle was published on July 14, 2000 and was dedicated to the Storming of the Bastille.

4.In June 2000, the announcement of the1st billion URL indexmade Google the largest search engine in the world.

5.In August 2004, Google debuted on Wall Street with an initial public offering of 19,605,052 Class A common shares. The opening price is $ 85 per share.

6.In 2005 Google launchedGoogle Earth, a web map service based on satellite imagery, which combines 3D building and terrain rendering with mapping capabilities and Google search. That same year, Google Earth illustrated the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina around New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico coast using overlays. Some rescue teams use these tools to locate victims who have become isolated.

7.In October 2006, Google acquiredYouTube.

8.In November 2007, Google introducedAndroid, the first open operating system for mobile devices, which is now the most popular smart operating system in the world (in 2010 the number of Android phones in the world surpassed iPhones and a year later BlackBerry).

9.In 2007, announcedRE<C, an initiative aimed atgeneration of electricity from renewable sources cheaper than coal. The initial objective is to promote technologies for the generation of wind energy and solar thermal energy.

10.In March 2008, in collaboration with Yahoo and MySpace, Google introduced theOpenSocial Foundation, an independent non-profit training created to provide operational and transparency guidelines in the field of free software tools for social computing.

11.As of July 2008, the indexing system used to process links indicates that their content exceeds a million million unique URLs (and the number of individual pages on the Web is increasing at a rate of several billion a day) .

12.In November 2008, after discovering the relationship between certain search queries and data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on flu symptoms, Google presented“Evolution of the flu on Google”, an indicator of flu activity in the US whose results are up to two weeks ahead of traditional flu control systems.

13.In July 2009, Google launched the Moon on Google Earth to coincide with the40th anniversary of the moon landing. The tool offers lunar images, information on Apollo landing sites, panoramic images obtained by Apollo astronauts, and narrated journeys.

14.In April 2010, the scientific community announced the discovery of anew hominid fossilcontributed to by Google Earth. It was produced in the so-called “Cradle of Humanity”, a place in South Africa declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

15.In July 2011 the project was launchedGoogle+, to share information online.

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