NewsCorona in Germany: RKI reports further increasing numbers -...

Corona in Germany: RKI reports further increasing numbers – teachers fear contamination of schools

The trend of increasing corona numbers in Germany continues on Thursday. Teachers warn of schools being contaminated. The news ticker.

  • Germany is at the beginning of a fourth Corona * wave – the numbers continue to rise.
  • The President of the Teachers Association is hoping for face-to-face teaching, but not at any cost.
  • This news ticker is updated regularly.

Berlin – The corona numbers in Germany continue to rise. On Thursday morning (August 26), the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported 12,626 new infections *. So far, however, the figures from Hamburg are still missing. It is so far unclear whether these will be submitted later during the day. Even at the current level, the number of new infections is 4226 higher than on the Thursday of the previous week (August 19).

The seven-day incidence * has also risen again. The RKI reported a nationwide value of 66.0 on Thursday. On Wednesday (August 25) the incidence was 61.3. If the numbers from Hamburg are reported later, the incidence value is likely to increase even further. As well as possibly the number of new deaths, which is currently 21.

Corona in Germany: head of teachers’ association warns of “contamination of schools”

According to the RKI and many experts, Germany is at the beginning of a fourth wave of the corona pandemic *. In some federal states, school lessons have already started again, in others the holidays only last a few weeks. School closings and homeschooling, as it often had to be practiced in the past school year, should be avoided. The aim is to have classroom teaching as complete as possible, but not at any price, as Heinz-Peter Meidinger, President of the German Teachers’ Association, now explained.

“Even if children rarely become seriously ill, we must not allow schools to be contaminated,” said Meidinger of the Augsburger Allgemeine . “As a teachers’ association, we also want classroom teaching to take place as completely as possible when school starts, but not by shutting down health protection measures and surrendering to the risk of infection in schools,” he clarified.

Ein leeres Klassenzimmer.


School closings should be avoided, but not at any cost. (Symbol image)

Corona in Germany: Meidinger speaks of up to 180,000 children in hospitals

More recent studies have found that between 0.3 to 1.7 percent of children infected with corona have to be treated in hospital. “In relation to Germany with almost eleven million students, that would mean that between 30,000 and 180,000 would have to be treated in hospitals, completely apart from possible long-covid consequences,” the teacher president calculated. “I think no politician should be responsible for that.”

Meidinger also accused politicians of serious failures in preparation for the new school year. “It starts with the fact that it is still not clear what specifications, criteria and rules should be used in school lessons. It continues with the tragedy of the purchase of room air filter systems (…). And it ends with the fact that we still have major deficits in the digital infrastructure of the schools, almost half of them still do not have a fast Internet, ”he let his frustration run free. (ph / dpa) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

List of rubric lists: © Sven Hoppe / dpa

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