NewsKing Charles III Portrait now on the first coin:...

King Charles III Portrait now on the first coin: Serious change to the Queen

Created: 10/30/2022, 6:43 p.m

Charles III first coins with his portrait are there. Little by little, the likeness of Queen Elizabeth II is now being withdrawn from circulation. Coin lovers immediately discover two striking differences.

Llantrisant – There are currently around 27 billion coins with the profile picture of Queen Elizabeth II (96, † 2022) in circulation. But that is likely to change soon. Because now comes the first minting of King Charles III. (73) on the market. According to the royal mint, the Royal Mint, which is idyllically situated in Llantrisant, Wales, Charles will first hold his royal likeness in his hands on the 50 pence coin currently being printed.

The flip side of the coin

In homage to the Queen, the reverse features the design seen on coins commemorating her coronation at Westminster Abbey in 1953. It consists of the quarters of the royal coat of arms with symbols of the four parts of the country – a rose for England, a thistle for Scotland, a shamrock for Northern Ireland and a leek for Wales.

While King Charles looks to the left, the Queen looks to the right

It is also the starting signal for an immense tour de force. The Queen coins will remain legal tender, but will gradually be exchanged for coins bearing Charles’s likeness. But while Charles’ left side of his face can be seen, the Queen looked to the right. a mistake? Vanity of the new king who would rather show off his chocolate side?

Charles III. kann stolz auf seine erste Münze blicken. Nach und nach wird sein Konterfei das der Queen ersetzen (Fotomontage).
Charles III can proudly look at his first coin. His likeness will gradually replace that of the Queen (photomontage). © Chris Jackson/dpa & picture alliance/dpa/PA Wire | Alistair Heap

The experts at the Royal Mint know that this is not the case. There is another big difference that not only connoisseurs immediately notice. On the new 50p coin dedicated to King Charles III. shows, the monarch wears no crown. There’s no big secret behind this, kings just weren’t often depicted wearing crowns, while queens liked to wear crowns.

The gaze goes in a new direction no matter which way the previous monarch looks

Anne Jessopp, 59, head of Royal Mint, tells TheSun that the king is “very pleased”. King Charles has approved the design in recent weeks and also helped with the selection, Jessopp said. Chris Barker of the Royal Mint Museum adds: “Charles followed the general tradition we have in British coinage, going back to Charles II (54, † 1685). The monarch is looking in the opposite direction to his predecessor” .

The coins have a lifespan of about 20 years, so it will be a good while before the queen of all coins in circulation is gone. Not every coin face is as happy as Charles, heir to the throne Prince William (40) did not recognize himself on his commemorative coin for his 40th birthday. From January 1st, however, only coins with the portrait of Charles III should be minted. leave the mint. The Royal Mint does not issue banknotes, but the Bank of England has confirmed that banknotes bearing the King’s likeness will come into circulation by mid-2024. Sources used:,

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