FunAstrologyArte makes the “glam rock” sparkle

Arte makes the “glam rock” sparkle

Bolan, Bowie and Bryan (Ferry) were the geniuses, but the “glam rock” of the 70s provided many more colorful, dazzling stars. An Arte documentary shows how strongly this short-lived style of music radiates to the present day.

Berlin – The earth still has five years until it was destroyed in David Bowie’s song “Five Years”, the first track of his brilliant “Ziggy Stardust” album from 1972. Fortunately, the earth still exists today – the prophecy nevertheless came true to that musical era to which Bowie owed his rise to superstar: The so-called glam rock was actually short-lived, but its intensely glittering radiance is still effective.

“Glam Rock: Crazy, eccentric and short-lived” is the title of the TV broadcaster Arte for a documentary that presents all the glamorous heroes of the early and mid-1970s. At the end of the 54 minutes, to the sound of Bowie’s song, it is clear that the pop big bang 50 years ago influenced many musicians of later generations: from Bauhaus and Human League in the New Wave of the 70s / 80s to Mötley Crüe (glam metal of the 80s), Suede (indie pop from the 90s) and Marilyn Manson (shock rock in the footsteps of Alice Cooper) to dance and disco pop by Goldfrapp or Lady Gaga.

The playful, sexually ambiguous, hedonistic “glam” arose at a time when rock music was actually doing badly, as the French documentary authors point out. After the deaths of pop icons such as Brian Jones (The Rolling Stones), Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison (The Doors) in the late 1960s and the Beatles’ breakup in 1970, things initially went downhill: “When rock became mortal, he is also dead boring. The new decade begins like an endless guitar solo – virtuoso but pretentious, ”says the Arte commentary on the now popular psychedelic and progressive rock.

But then with the appearance of a certain Marc Bolan (T. Rex) on the British TV music program “Top of the Pops” in 1971, a new style emerged as a sensation. Shrill looks with platform soles, skin-tight pants and lots of make-up, the casual game with bisexual and homosexuality as well as catchy refrains characterize glam rock. Leading figures like Bowie, Bolan and Bryan Ferry (Roxy Music), but also temporary glamor fans like Elton John or Freddie Mercury (Queen) are becoming idols for millions of young people around the world.

“T. Rextasy” follows “Beatlemania” – and the teenagers are finally screaming again, “says the entertaining, but also somewhat superficial Arte documentary. The film hardly leaves out one of the top stars, but also takes into account the (from today’s perspective) musically secondary genre representatives such as The Sweet or Gary Glitter (“My music is not very clever, but good for dancing”).

The high phase of the completely apolitical style, however, only lasts for a short time, because: “In the spin cycle of glam rock, the stars are quickly wrung out.” When describing the decline, some Arte phrases are thick, for example: “The stars of glam are like.” Icarus – their polyester wings burn up in the limelight of fame. “

Of course, the effect of this cheeky, sometimes just vulgarly pounding pop music in the USA is well worked out – it is limited. Lou Reed, Iggy Pop and the Sparks are sometimes glamorous, the New York Dolls disguised as drag queens or the gay singer Jobriath are already overwhelming the audience. Alice Cooper, who bridged the gap from glam to horror hard rock, saw his role pragmatically: “After the stage, I go home, drink beer, watch TV and play golf.” The USA has “the epicenter for a glam rock Quake ”is missing, so the Arte commentators.

At the end of the era, in late 1977, Bolan was dead after a car accident – he was only 29 years old. The supporting pillars Bowie and Roxy Music lived “long ago on another planet”, they ensured with their further developments of the glitter style that this music was unexpectedly timeless. In 1978 punk was the measure of all things in pop – even for a short time. But this is another story. dpa

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