Tech UPTechnology5 things you didn't know about your brain

5 things you didn't know about your brain

We tell you a few curiosities that perhaps you did not know about our mysterious as well as fascinating thinking organ.


The human brain cannot feel pain

There are two quite different organs in our body that have something in common: they cannot feel pain ; that is, they do not have pain receptors, which are known as nociceptors . Nociception encodes and processes potentially harmful stimuli against tissues and is that since the brain does not have nerves capable of registering pain, it does not feel pain. This is because the brain has no skin and the nerve endings that record pain are normally found in the skin. Therefore, all he feels is pleasure. If you’re wondering, migraines and headaches arise in the meninges or the covering of the brain, not the brain itself.


Can we survive on half our brain?

That’s how it is. Despite how important it is in our survival, since it is responsible for what we do, what we think and what we are, we can function in life with only half a brain. How is it possible? This is because the brain has a lot of plasticity. Most of the patients who, when they operate, have to remove a piece of brain , continue their lives as before the surgery, with the exception of some muscle weakness. Our brains are more flexible when we are younger, but even as adults, there is still room for malleability (adult plasticity) .


Did you know that the brain is the hottest part of the body?

It is approximately 2.5 ºC higher than the rest of the body , that is, than the core body temperature, which is usually 37 ºC. It is also our most luxurious area when it comes to other types of temperatures. Arousal always begins in the brain.

The brain is a good talker

Have you noticed how complicated it is to “not think about anything” ? Meditation is often so difficult because our brain has a certain problem shutting up, not thinking. An average person has up to 70,000 thoughts a day, according to various studies, which suggest that our brains are programmed for ten-minute attention intervals, which is an obstacle in the traditional way of classes, lectures … The reason behind This is the constant stimulation that our brain requires , which is why the practice of meditation takes time to master. But achieving that goal, calming the mind, is also very beneficial for our physical and mental health.

Why does the placebo effect work?

Because that is how the brain wants it. Since a placebo is essentially a harmless drug, it shouldn’t have any effect, but sometimes it does. Why? It is a neurobiological relationship in which the mind is affecting the physical body. In fact, a study published by Harvard University in 2019 suggested that “placebo” drugs activate the same biochemical pathways in the brain as real drugs or medicines because the brain believes it will.

Slaves and Disabled: Forced Medical Test Volunteers

The main problem to carry out medical research is to have willing volunteers for it. And if they come out for free, much better. This is the story of unethical behavior in medical research.

How are lightning created?

Summer is synonymous with sun, but also with storms. Who has not contemplated one from the protection that the home gives that electrical display that is lightning?

How global warming will affect astronomy

Astronomical observations around the world will worsen in quality as a result of climate change, according to a new study.

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NASA discovers more than 50 areas that emit exorbitant levels of greenhouse gases

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