NewsMassive corona worries: Several politicians for general vaccination requirements...

Massive corona worries: Several politicians for general vaccination requirements – lockdown in the state possible

The fourth corona wave seems unstoppable. The 7-day incidence has risen again. The new virus variant Omikron has arrived in Germany. The news ticker.

  • The 7-day incidence hit a new record on Sunday (November 28th). The RKI reports a further 44,401 new coronavirus infections.
  • Politicians from different camps are in favor of a general compulsory vaccination (update from November 28, 8:45 p.m.).
  • Baden-Württemberg is banking on further tightening. Among other things, football games will take place without spectators (update from November 28, 5:33 p.m.).
  • This news ticker on the subject of Corona * in Germany is updated regularly.

Corona virus: Politicians from different camps are in favor of compulsory vaccination

Update from November 28th, 8.45 p.m.: Several politicians are now in favor of a general vaccination requirement. After Lower Saxony’s head of government Stephan Weil (SPD), Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder is now following suit. The CSU politician even describes the compulsory vaccination in the ARD broadcast report from Berlin as the “only chance to get out of this endless loop”. Söder then sees corresponding fines as a suitable means of implementation. At the same time, the CSU politician is pushing the pace: “The longer politics hesitates, the greater the division in society.”

And left party leader Susanne Hennig-Wellsow is no longer opposed to mandatory vaccination. In a contribution from the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Hennig-Wellsow describes the obligation as an “instrument subject to sanctions”. So far, Die Linke had spoken out against compulsory vaccination.

Corona virus: three-point plan by SPD politician Karl Lauterbach

Update from November 28, 7.15 p.m.: In the fight against the spread of the corona virus and the overloading of hospitals, SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach is now proposing a three-point plan on Twitter. With a view to models that do not predict a peak before mid-December and thus predict an escalation of the situation, Lauterbach calls for “clubs, bars, discos etc. to close completely”. Point two is that 2G and 2G-plus must be enforced more strictly. A comprehensive regulation and “very high penalties” are ideal, says Lauterbach. He calls for a comprehensive mask requirement and tests for schools.

With his third point Lauterbach goes into vaccinations. Both booster vaccinations and vaccinations for children could stop the wave.

Update from November 28, 5.41 p.m.: Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) has called for a general compulsory corona vaccination and announced stricter corona rules for the country. With the Omikron variant of the corona virus, there is a new situation, he told the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung . According to Weil, vaccination will probably be required for a few years. “Even if no politician likes to do that: We must also oblige people to have regular booster vaccinations,” said the head of government of the newspaper.

The Prime Minister did not rule out a lockdown. “That is a point that we now have to discuss intensively,” he said in an interview. “But it is probably more about the time after Christmas, when there are usually holidays and families meet.” impose.

Corona: Kretschmann spokesman announces ghost games in professional football in Baden-Württemberg

Update from November 28, 5:33 p.m.: In Baden-Württemberg there will be further tightening of the corona measures. How these will look in concrete terms will be discussed on Monday and Tuesday, said government spokesman Arne Braun now the dpa . One thing is already certain: “But it is clear that there are ghost games in professional football,” said Braun. A look at the new virus variant and the tense situation in the intensive care units clearly shows that the countries urgently need the “full range of instruments for extensive restrictions”.

Corona: Söders Health Minister Holetschek calls for tax exemption for caregivers

Update from November 28th, 4:40 pm: In view of the dramatic situation and some intensive care units that are on the verge of collapse, Bavaria’s Minister of Health Klaus Holetschek explicitly demands “a noticeable sign to our nursing staff”. He posts on Twitter: “We should make their salaries tax-free for at least the next 12 months, and also suspend the bureaucracy.” He also appeals: “We now need every hand on the bed and not on the pen.”

Update from November 28, 3:38 p.m .: The number of Covid 19 patients in intensive care units continues to grow. 4,442 corona patients currently require intensive medical treatment. Of these, 2,277 are artificially ventilated. This can be seen from the data in the DIVI intensive care register (as of November 28, 3:41 pm). 617 Covid-19 cases were transferred to an intensive care unit this Sunday alone.

Omikron: Corona mutation occurred in Hesse – the traveler had returned from South Africa

Update from November 28, 2:05 p.m .: In Hesse, the suspicion has been confirmed. The returnee from South Africa is infected with the new Corona variant Omikron. Sequencing has confirmed that, tweeted Hesse’s Minister of Social Affairs Kai Klose on Sunday afternoon. The person concerned came from the Rhine-Main area and had already arrived in Frankfurt on November 21 from South Africa. She was fully vaccinated, according to the ministry, then developed symptoms over the week and had a test.

Update from November 28, 1:32 p.m .: It is still unclear how dangerous the new Corona variant Omikron is. Vaccine manufacturers are alarmed. Moderna is already researching an adaptation of the vaccine.

Corona in Germany: Montgomery demands “expiry date” for proof of vaccination

Update from November 28, 9:33 a.m .: World Medical Association boss Frank Ulrich Montgomery proposes a limitation of the vaccination status in order to improve the vaccination protection of the population. “Every vaccination must have an expiration date,” said the doctor in the newspapers of the Funke media group (Sunday editions). Whose vaccination was a long time ago, then automatically revert to the status of the unvaccinated. Anyone who can be boosted is considered vaccinated again.

To this end, it must now be clarified how long the vaccination protection lasts and when this expiration date must be set, said Montgomery. In France, booster vaccinations should be compulsory in future in order to maintain the “vaccinated” status. “We also need the regulation in Germany,” demanded the head of the World Medical Association.

At the end of the week, the EU Commission had also proposed a booster vaccination against Corona as a prerequisite for the continued validity of the EU’s digital Covid certificate.

Corona: RKI reports record values again – a federal state blows the 1000 incidence

First report from November 28, 2021

Berlin – Again the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports a new record: The 7-day incidence in Germany jumped to 446.7 on Sunday. For comparison: the previous day the value was 444.3, a week ago it was 372.7 (previous month: 130.2). 44,401 positive corona tests were reported to the RKI within 24 hours (previous week: 42,727). Another 104 people died with or from Corona. In the previous week there were 75 deaths.

In some federal states the incidence remains extremely high: Saxony (1205.5), Thuringia (878.4) and Bavaria (632.2) are particularly affected.

Corona in Germany: RKI reports 44,401 new coronavirus infections (as of November 28, 2021)

  • Since the beginning of the corona pandemic, 5,761,696 people in Germany have been shown to have been infected with Sars-CoV-2.
  • 44,401 new coronavirus infections have been recorded in the past 24 hours.
  • 100,883 deaths in connection with a corona infection are recorded at the RKI.
  • According to the RKI, around 4,823,700 are considered to have recovered.
  • There are currently 837,200 active corona cases in Germany.

Hospitalization incidence almost 6

The number of corona patients admitted to clinics per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days was given by the RKI on Friday as 5.97 (Thursday: 5.79). The value is not reported on the weekend. It plays an essential role in assessing what is happening in the infection. If limit values 3, 6 and 9 are exceeded in the federal states, stricter measures to combat the pandemic can be imposed there.

Corona variant Omikron (B.1.1.529) arrived in Germany

The newly discovered virus variant called Omikron * has terrified the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) classified variant B.1.1.529 as “worrying” on Friday. The EU health authority ECDC speaks of serious concerns that the variant could significantly reduce the effectiveness of the corona vaccines and increase the risk of reinfections. Much is still open, however. Corona researchers all over the world are working under high pressure to decipher the properties of Omikron.

South Africa had very quickly informed about the new Corona variant B.1.1.529. Omicron appears to be spreading rapidly. Cases with the new virus variant are now reported from many countries – including in Germany.

According to the Max von Pettenkofer Institute, the mutation was detected in Munich in two travelers who arrived on November 24 on a flight from South Africa *. The authorities in Hesse are investigating the case of another returnee from South Africa who, according to the Ministry of Social Affairs, is “highly suspected”. (ml / dpa) * and are an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

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