NewsCorona rules in Bavaria: Munich's mayor is raging because...

Corona rules in Bavaria: Munich's mayor is raging because of 2Gplus – "does not go together"

The incidence in the Free State is falling. Munich’s Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter comments on the vaccination light. There were demos against the corona rules in several cities. All news in the ticker.

  • The corona numbers in Bavaria are falling. There were demos against the pandemic measures in several cities in the Free State (see update from December 12, 8:42 a.m.).
  • Munich’s Mayor Dieter Reiter is anything but enthusiastic about a possible vaccination requirement (see update from December 10th, 9:18 a.m.).
  • In the dispute over the correct expulsion of vaccinated and unvaccinated infected people, Wolfgang Kubicki intervenes (see update from December 10, 8:38 p.m.)
  • This news ticker has ended. You can find the continuation here *.

++++ This news ticker has ended. All current information on the Corona situation in Bavaria can be found here *. ++++

Update from December 12, 8:42 a.m.: The corona trend in Bavaria continues: the incidence has again made a leap down. According to the RKI, the value on Sunday morning was 408.6. On Saturday it was still 427.5. The corona numbers are also falling in the state capital of Munich. The incidence there today is 288.7 (previous day 304.7).

Corona in Bavaria: Incidence is falling – Demos against measures in several cities

In several Bavarian cities, people demonstrated against the Corona measures on Saturday. At first, 1,300 people met in Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz, according to the police. When the demonstration marched in motion, others had joined, so that around 2000 people ran along at the top. There were isolated violations, it said. A police spokesman said a woman was reported for using a sign with a character reminiscent of a victory rune. Usually it symbolizes the SS.

According to a police spokesman, around 100 people also met at Munich’s Marienplatz for a demo against the corona rules. And according to the officials, almost 2,000 people gathered in Fürth for a rally against the measures to contain the pandemic.

Update from December 11th, 3:10 p.m.: Access only for vaccinated and convalescent people: This rule has been in effect in many Bavarian shops since Wednesday. Customers’ 2G proof must be carefully checked in the shops. With a “ribbon model” retailers had hoped to make the process easier. But in vain – the introduction has been stopped. The BR reports.

Corona in Bavaria: 2G ribbon model in retail stopped

The Bavarian Trade Association announced on its homepage that the “ribbon model” as a 2G control when shopping in the Free State is not allowed. The association is referring to a letter from the Bavarian Ministry of Health. Problem with the whole thing: The ribbon does not comply with the Bavarian Infection Protection Ordinance. It says that the 2G rule must be checked in every affected facility. With the ribbon model, however, only the existence of the ribbon is checked – but not vaccination status and identity. In addition, the tape is not “forgery-proof”.

In contrast to the proof of vaccination, the ribbons do not represent a health certificate. These are not issued by doctors or medical staff.

In cities like Mainz and Düsseldorf, however, the model is already being implemented successfully. The idea behind it: 2G is only checked once when customers enter a shop or restaurant. The person then receives a ribbon on their wrist, just like at a festival. This also gives her access to other shops – without further control. This model was to be permanently introduced in Kempten – this action has now been stopped by the specification.

Update from December 11th, 9.10 a.m.: The corona numbers have fallen again in the Free State. According to the RKI, the incidence on Saturday morning is 427.5. For comparison: the day before, the value was 447.7.

In the fight against the pandemic, Bavaria also primarily relies on the corona vaccination. It is currently still uncertain whether a vaccination will be compulsory for everyone. Munich’s Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD), according to his own statement, is “no friend of compulsory vaccinations”. “That has to be the last resort, if nothing else works,” said Reiter of the “SZ”. For him, however, no effect of such a compulsory vaccination has yet been discernible: “Or do you mean that one of these vehement opponents of vaccination is being vaccinated just because there is a threat of a 50 euro fine?” The Bundestag and Bundesrat decided on Friday that health workers should be vaccinated. To enforce such, the new Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) relies on fines.

Reiter also takes a critical view of the fact that vaccinated and convalescent people only have access to some areas of life with the latest test results (2G plus). “That doesn’t fit together with the argument that people should get vaccinated,” he criticizes. As Lord Mayor, he could not change anything: “Everything is stipulated nationwide or nationwide.” In times of Corona, he only had to wait for what health experts, the federal government and the state, said, stressed Reiter. “One is only ever in the execution. That is also what bothers the city council and I can understand that. “

Update from December 10th, 8:38 p.m.: The dispute over Bavaria’s corona numbers does not break off, now it is even taking place in political Berlin. The Ministry of Health and the State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) are accused of having declared corona infected people whose vaccination status was unknown as unvaccinated. Because Bavaria has been showing two different seven-day incidences for vaccinated and unvaccinated people for some time, such a reinterpretation results in incorrect incidences. The FDP had accused the Bavarian state government of deceiving the public with distorted corona numbers.

After a dispute over corona numbers: Wolfgang Kubicki (FDP) with a clear demand

Now the FDP member of the Bundestag Wolfgang Kubicki has intervened in the conflict. He describes the situation in the newspaper Die Welt as “a brazen disregard for parliamentary questions”. Kubicki said that it was to be recommended “to defend oneself against this anti-parliamentary act: this explicitly includes a constitutional complaint.”

Wolfgang Kubicki, stellvertretender FDP-Parteichef, ist gegen eine Quote.


Wolfgang Kubicki, deputy FDP party leader, calls for a constitutional lawsuit in the dispute over Bavarian corona numbers.

He also sees the prime minister himself responsible. “Söder obviously thinks that the state and the information available to him belong to him. It is irresponsible that he is giving a huge boost to conspiracy theorists of all kinds and massively impairing trust in the integrity of state action, ”said Kubicki.

State government lacks data on corona vaccination of Bavarian residents

Update from December 10th, 1:26 p.m.: Regardless of all documentation requirements in the corona pandemic, the state government still lacks reliable data on the vaccination protection of very old nursing home residents. The Ministry of Health assumes that on November 1st, 87 percent of the estimated 127,000 nursing home residents in Bavaria had been vaccinated twice. The state vaccination centers had also reported a total of 63,827 booster vaccinations for residents by December 3, as announced by the Ministry of Health in Munich.

Doctors in private practice also vaccinate in the homes – presumably on a large scale, but details are unknown. “An exact quota cannot be given, however, because the number of booster vaccinations by doctors is not known, since the status of a home resident is not recorded separately in the vaccination documentation and the doctors or institutions have not yet been obliged to report”, it says in the answer from the ministry.

Nursing home residents are particularly at risk in the corona pandemic. About two thirds of the corona deaths are over 80, in the first phase of the pandemic, before the start of the vaccination campaign in homes, there were repeated mass infections with numerous fatalities. In contrast to Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg obviously had an eye on the vaccinations in nursing homes at an early stage. “We have asked the home supervisory authorities in the rural and urban districts in Baden-Württemberg to inquire about the status of booster vaccinations at the care facilities in the state,” said a spokesman for the Ministry of Social Affairs in Stuttgart on request.

The new federal government is now introducing a corresponding reporting obligation as one of its first official acts: The homes are to be obliged nationwide to document the residents’ vaccination status on a monthly basis.

Corona in Bavaria: New vaccination aid makes you sit up and take notice

Update from December 10th, 12.45 p.m.: The Catholic and Evangelical Churches in Bavaria are calling for corona vaccination – and want to make their own rooms available for vaccination campaigns. “Churches and community halls are central places that many people in the Free State are familiar with.” Health Minister Klaus Holetschek said on Friday in Munich. The churches also have “special access to people” and “get into conversation with those who doubt or hesitate”.

According to the ministry, the Protestant regional bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm asked in a letter to check in all 1540 regional parishes whether they could offer vaccination centers on site or volunteer help. In this way, the church could make its contribution “to this huge effort,” said Bedford-Strohm accordingly.

According to the head of the Bavarian Catholic Office, Lorenz Wolf, all Bavarian dioceses also support efforts to “make it easier for people of all ages to have access to vaccinations”. Occasionally there had been vaccination campaigns in church parishes since the summer.

Incidence in Bavaria continues to fall – but experts raise important objections

First report from December 10, 8.29 a.m .: Munich – The seven-day incidence * in Bavaria has continued to decrease. On Friday morning, the Robert Koch Institute * (RKI) reported a value of 447.7. This is the 14th decline in a row – on Thursday the value was still at 471.2. Bavaria, however, remains slightly above the nationwide incidence of Friday (413.7).

Incidence in Bavaria has fallen – no more hotspots over 1000

In the meantime, no district or urban district in the Free State is more than the incidence mark of 1000, from which stricter corona measures are currently in force. The RKI reported 115 other corona-related deaths in Bavaria. In total there were now 18,425. The districts with the highest incidence values are currently Freyung-Grafenau (930.4) and Passau (788.3).

Corona numbers in Bavaria are falling – but experts with an important objection

When evaluating the infection rate, however, it should be borne in mind that experts are currently assuming a noticeable underreporting. Health authorities and clinics can no longer keep up with reporting cases, at least in individual regions.

Corona summit with Scholz: Söder and country leaders discuss the current situation

Meanwhile, Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder * made it clear that Corona can only be fought resolutely together. A “close coordination between the federal and state levels remains crucial,” wrote the CSU boss at yesterday’s Corona summit on Twitter. (kam / dpa) * / bayern is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

List of rubric lists: © Robert Michael / Sven Hoppe / dpa

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