NewsCorona in Germany: Many Germans want to travel over...

Corona in Germany: Many Germans want to travel over Christmas – despite Omikron worries

The corona numbers are falling, but the look at a possible omicron wave worries experts. Nevertheless, many Germans want to travel over Christmas. The news ticker.

  • The Corona * numbers in Germany are currently falling.
  • Experts warn of an impending omicron wave.
  • Nevertheless, many Germans want to travel for Christmas.
  • This news ticker is updated regularly.

Berlin – If you look at the numbers, the corona situation in Germany seems to be relaxing. The nationwide seven-day incidence fell again compared to the previous day. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the value on Sunday morning (December 19) was 315.4. This is still a high value, but the previous week it was significantly higher at 390.9.

Corona in Germany: concern about the Omikron wave

But experts expect a trend reversal in Germany soon. The reason: Omicron. The new Corona variant seems to be significantly more infectious than the previously known. In some countries such as Great Britain and Denmark, Omikron has already led to a significant increase in the number of cases. Due to the spread of the Omicron variant, Great Britain will be considered a virus variant area from Monday (December 20). This is accompanied by strict travel restrictions for returnees to Germany.

“Making entry safer helps to prevent the Omikron variant from spreading so quickly. We cannot prevent the spread, we can only delay it. The longer it takes for Omikron to have a grip on Germany, the better, “said Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD), explaining the dpa decision. Virologist Christian Drosten also repeatedly warned of the new variant. A wave of Omikron will lead to “massive loss of work” *.

Passanten gehen vor dem Einkaufszentrum MyZeil entlang. Kurz vor Weihnachten ist die Frankfurter Einkaufsstraße Zeil voll mit Menschen.


Shortly before Christmas, many experts are worried about an Omikron wave in Germany.

Corona survey shows: every fifth German wants to travel for Christmas

Despite the still high number of infections and the impending omicron * wave, almost every fifth German wants to travel for Christmas. In a survey by the polling institute YouGov on behalf of the dpa, 13 percent said they wanted to travel to celebrate Christmas with friends or relatives. Six percent of those surveyed are planning a vacation trip. 79 percent, on the other hand, want to stay at home over the holidays. Two percent gave no information.

In view of the impending Omikron wave, the new federal government has set the goal of creating 30 million corona vaccinations by the end of the year. The head of the new Corona * crisis team in the Chancellery, Major General Carsten Breuer, is now confident that this goal can be achieved. More than 24.4 million people in Germany have been vaccinated since mid-November. There are now just under two weeks left. “The 30 million can be created,” Breuer told Bild am Sonntag . The vaccination target is calculated based on a federal-state round on November 18th. (ph / dpa) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

Headline list image: © Hannes P. Albert / dpa

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