FunAstrologyDortmund crime scene "love me": mothers who love too...

Dortmund crime scene "love me": mothers who love too little

A new dark Dortmund crime scene tells of emotional coldness and its devastation.

If you regularly deal with the dead, for example if you comb the long hair of a dead person with devotion and without hesitation, it is easier to take the step of killing someone yourself – right? In any case, one believes that Jan Pawlak, who has to ask the head of a funeral home the usual police questions, has such an ulterior motive. Some of the suspects work for the company in the most recent Dortmund crime scene. At first they are only suspicious because they had access to a vehicle and a “hiding place”: Two murdered women were buried in a cemetery where only urns are actually allowed. The two places in the forest were said to have been paid for in cash – but in the case of funerals in Ihle, nobody wants to be able to remember who paid in cash. In addition, under the name and address of the buyer – there is no one.

The investigative team is a bit slow on the uptake in the crime scene “Love Me” by Jürgen Werner, script, and Torsten C. Fischer, director. Because the murdered and buried women were in their mid-40s and were wearing the same old-fashioned dress, so that those with experience in crime crimes soon found a popular serial killer motif variant almost inevitable: unloved son takes revenge on his “mother”, looks for substitutes as victims. The mother also seems to look or have looked a lot like Martina Bönisch, because it is generally noted that the murdered are of the same blond type and even have the same hair.

Inspector Bönisch, Anna Schudt, meanwhile, continues to have stress with the pathologist Haller, Tilmann Strauss. No, she doesn’t want to give their short relationship a “second chance.” She’s nervous, angry, “Take my gun away from me,” she says, but not seriously. But woe, Faber, Jörg Hartmann, takes her appointment with the pathologist stalker. This also arouses her anger.

However: Bönisch and Faber are getting closer. At least as close as possible to a kiss (whether more will happen between evening and morning: who knows). One thinks of the Rostock police call with Bukow and König, who suddenly flared up after years of working together. But, so much can be revealed, as with these two, nothing will come of the tender plant of investigative love in Dortmund either.

Pawlak, Rick Okon, continues to be preoccupied with his personal problems. The woman (drug addict and criminal, we remember) is in custody. The little daughter found out from her grandmother that mum is not “away” but in prison, and so she wants to know why dad lied.

In Dortmund, the situation is now almost the opposite of what it was when the Faber team started: Among all those who were damaged in their relationships, almost hopeless, the lone wolf is now the calming influence, the only one who has been healed to some extent.

It is true that Rosa Herzog, Stefanie Reinsperger, the occasional patient guardian of Pawlak’s daughter, has not had any private problems so far (a good change in Dortmund, the critic found) – but this time family-related, possibly life-threatening disaster is on the horizon: in the form of her mother, who was in the Red Army Faction and apparently still is, because they are now asking for help of an unspecified kind from their daughter to get out. Indefinitely, because before that can be explained (mama Herzog only hands over a mobile phone for the time being), Rosa is kidnapped. All they can find is their burnt-out car.

The pace, already high, picks up again. Open ends flutter, but that’s life. Clichés are tried, that doesn’t always make sense. Meaningful sentences fall and are ironically rejected.

One size smaller, it couldn’t be more relaxed in Dortmund. It probably doesn’t work without SEK, investigators who are in danger, a badly missed call, a malicious pathologist, a botched operation. A large, dark arc of suspense develops, and only the Friedwald is still reasonably peaceful.

“Crime scene: love me”: ARD, Sunday, 8:15 p.m.

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