NewsThe Board estimates that 9 out of 10 Andalusians...

The Board estimates that 9 out of 10 Andalusians over 16 years old will arrive immunized by August

The Junta de Andalucía will begin “immediately” its vaccination plan ‘One million per week’, with which it will administer said number of doses from Monday to Sunday and will achieve 89% immunization throughout the next month of July. acceleration in vaccination strategy that would put the community on the path to herd immunity. According to the latest update, a total of 3,680,920 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine have already been administered to date. Thus, a total of 1,223,920 Andalusians already have the complete vaccination schedule, while 2,519,205 already have at least one dose. With these figures, 35.7% of those over 16 years of age living in Andalusia were already vaccinated with a dose -percentage that dropped to 29.8% in relation to the population as a whole-, and 17.3% with the complete regimen, 14.5% if applied to the entire population. One million per week ‘Either with two doses of Pfizer, Moderna or AstraZeneca, or with the Janssen single dose, the Board’s forecasts estimate that nine out of ten Andalusians will arrive in August already immunized, as stated in the plan’ One million per week ‘that the Ministry of Health and Families presented last Tuesday, May 11. The strategy presented to the Governing Council reports a mass vaccination plan designed to administer 1,000,000 doses from Monday to Sunday to population groups determined in a “coordinated and safe” way. Board last Tuesday after the Governing Council meeting, this strategy will be developed “immediately” and will extend “as long as necessary”, as well as foresees the implementation of up to 545 vaccination points with 911 teams.The plan, consulted by Europa Press, details, based on the forecast of doses of vaccines that will arrive in Andalusia from this month of May, the projection during the next months for the accumulated number of people -and the percentage with respect to the population aged 16 years or over, considered as the ‘target population’ for vaccination – which will have a full schedule until next August 1. Specifically, the Board contemplates that, between days 3 and 30 of this month of May, A total of 2,236,729 people -which represent 31.8% of the population aged 16 years or over in Andalusia- will have the complete vaccination schedule. The figures rise to 4,369,140 people during the month of June -between on May 31 and July 4, specifically, which are equivalent to 62.1% of the total number of Andalusians aged 16 or over, and during the month of July -between July 5 and August 1 -, a total of 6,256,836 people – 89% of Andalusians aged 16 or over – will have the complete guideline of vaccination according to the forecasts that the Ministry of Health and Families includes in the Plan ‘One million per week’. Taking into account the total population of Andalusia -including children and adolescents-, it would be 70% of the population residing in the autonomous community that would be vaccinated by August 8. Quote at “discretion” The Board points out that the achievement of the objective having more than 70% of the population aged 16 years or older vaccinated during the month of July «may be favored if the appointment for vaccination in people aged 16 to 40 is made at discretion, in no order of age, in order application through the usual established channels.The department headed by the counselor Jesús Aguirre defends that the implementation of the actions of this mass vaccination plan “will allow the administration of figures between 700,000 and 1,000,000 weekly doses, depending on the variable arrival that may exist” of the vaccine doses Thus, the Ministry maintains in its plan that the “large spaces for mass vaccination” included in it, “as well as organizational adaptations, will allow each team of professionals to administer each vaccine to each person in an average time two-three minutes, although the entire process can take a total of 20-30 minutes from the time the person arrives until he leaves the place. “” Performing a simple mathematical calculation, each vaccinating team, two minutes for each vaccination, for ten hours, it can manage to administer up to 300 doses a day “, states the plan of the Board, which confirms that,” in this way, in a mass vaccination space with ten posts it could be administered take up to 3,000 doses a day, which in a week would be 21,000 doses “. Prediction of arrival of doses If the time for each vaccination” can be shortened to 90 seconds, it would be 4,000 daily doses, and 28,000 doses a week, “as specified. the plan, which also includes that, “according to data provided by the Ministry of Health, the forecast of doses to be received in the coming weeks is on the rise, with a significant increase especially from June” due to a “notable increase in arrival from Pfizer and Janssen. ‘ In addition, “it is likely” that the Board’s calculations “will be modified, given that the arrival of new vaccines from June or July, such as Curevac or Novavax, is foreseeable,” according to the plan of the Ministry of Health and Families.The table with the expected arrival of doses of the different vaccines to Andalusia between the months of May and August that is included in the Plan ‘One million per week’ places Pfizer as the laboratory from which more doses will arrive weekly, with higher figures at 300,000 in the second half of May -about 303,030 a week between the 17th and 30th-, and close to 500,000 from the week of May 31 to June 6 and until the week of June 28 to July 4: Specifically, the Board contemplates the arrival of more than 486,000 doses of Pfizer vaccine per week in that period of time between the last day of May and July 4, a figure that is reduced to 320,940 that are contemplated a week from July 5 to 11 and until August 23 to 29. From Moderna, the forecast of arrival of doses that manages the Ministry of Health and Families puts 55,000 those who will receive the autonomous community per week from May 10 until next June 20, at which time the number of vaccines from this pharmaceutical company that Andalusia will have is expected to increase until, specifically, 59,481 in the week of June 21 to 27; 63,118 in that from June 28 to July 4, and 93,608 weekly from July 5 to the end of August. The number of AstraZeneca vaccines that Andalusia expects to have per week from the second half of May ranges from 178,000 for the remainder of the month, 142,400 as of May 31 and throughout the month of June, and 151,300 from the week of July 5 to 11 and until the end of August. It is expected that the arrival of vaccines in Andalusia will double from June, going from 58.500 weekly that are expected for the second half of May at 140,400 that are contemplated from May 31 until the end of June. From the week of July 5 to 11, the forecast figure increases even more to 189,000 weekly doses until the end of August. In this way, in total and counting on those from Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Janssen, Andalusia expects receive almost 600,000 weekly doses in the remainder of the month of May – specifically, 594,530 a week -, more than 823,000 a week from May 31 and during the month of June, and almost 755,000 from the week of 5 to July 11 and until the end of August.

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