Tech UPTechnologyGoogle Street View comes to CERN

Google Street View comes to CERN

At CERN , the prestigious laboratory on the outskirts of Geneva dedicated to researching particle physics, some of the world's best physicists and engineers are working to figure out what the universe is made of or what its origins were like. This center recently opened its doors to Google Street View so that any Internet user, from any corner of the world, can visit its laboratories, control centers and underground tunnels that house their experiments. "The Street View images will also allow scientists who collaborate in CERN projects to see the equipment that is being used, even if they are working on the other side of the world," they say from the official Google blog. ?

To achieve this, members of the Street View team from Google's Zurich office worked for two weeks with members of CERN to obtain incredible images of the ATLAS experiment , which weighs 7,000 tons, is dedicated to the search for fundamental particles such as the Boson. from Higgs, as well as from ALICE, the heavy ion detector designed to study highly interactive matter at extreme energy densities, where a state of matter called a quark-gluon plasma is formed. The facilities of the CMS, the LHCb and the tunnel of the Large Hadron Collider can also be visited through this application.

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