NewsCorona symptoms: Delta variant with other signs? That's how...

Corona symptoms: Delta variant with other signs? That's how you recognize them

So far, corona disease could always be recognized by similar symptoms – even with virus mutations. The delta variant seems to express itself somewhat differently …

The corona pandemic is currently causing Germany to breathe a little deeply. The incidences continue to fall and Baden-Württemberg is also pleased about the low numbers *. So it’s no wonder that some politicians are now thinking about easing the mask requirement – even Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn thinks that a gradual abolition is right *. But if you look in the direction of Great Britain, the bliss could soon be over again. The so-called “delta mutation” of the coronavirus has spread there. As reported by *, this could soon also threaten Germany.

But many would perhaps not even recognize their corona infection with the Delta variant, which first appeared in India and was referred to as a “double mutant”. Because as the British news broadcaster BBC now reports, the symptoms differ from those of the previous variants and the original corona virus.

Corona symptoms vary with delta mutation – does the vaccination still help?

The good news is that our vaccines, which are approved in Europe, have so far protected well against the Delta variant. According to a recent British study, a complete vaccination with BioNTech’s preparation can prevent serious disease progression to 96 percent. With a complete AstraZeneca immunization, cases of inpatient treatment due to Covid-19 can be averted in 92 percent of cases.

Thus, according to the British health authority PHE, the effectiveness of the vaccines for the delta variant is similar to that of the alpha mutation, which was first detected in England and now also accounts for a large proportion of new infections in Germany. According to the PHE, it is important that you always get a full vaccination. PHE immunization chief Dr. Mary Ramsay said in a statement: “It is essential to get the second dose as soon as it is your turn to get maximum protection against all existing and future variants.”

Corona symptoms with delta mutation: How do you recognize a disease?

And the vaccinations against the coronavirus and its mutants seem to be becoming more and more important – also with a view to the delta variant. Because recognizing them could be difficult. As Tim Spector from King’s College in London explained to the BBC, the symptoms have changed in most people infected with Covid. He explained that fever is still part of it, but infected people who suffer from the delta mutation complained less and less of a loss of sense of smell and taste. This was previously considered a typical corona symptom.

Wissenschaftler:innen sind beim Genanalysen von 26 Populationen weltweit auf eine mögliche Corona-Epidemie in der ostasiatischen Steinzeit gestoßen.


The corona virus has Germany firmly under control. Now the delta variant seems to cause new symptoms. (Symbol image)

Spector went on to say that for some younger people, a corona infection can feel more like a common cold. That is why it is all the more important to get tested for Covid-19 in any case – even with normal cold symptoms. Because the delta variant already accounts for more than 90 percent of all new corona infections in Great Britain.

The UK currently has a 7-day incidence of 75.1, even though nearly 45 percent of the population there is already fully vaccinated. Since the alpha variant of the coronavirus, which initially spread in the United Kingdom, now also accounts for over 90 percent of new infections in Germany, researchers assume that the delta mutation will behave the same way and the variant in the next Weeks in Germany is gaining a foothold. * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

Rubriklistenbild: © NIAID-RML/dpa

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