NewsThe macro-outbreak of the Balearic Islands leaves 179 Andalusians...

The macro-outbreak of the Balearic Islands leaves 179 Andalusians confined to the islands and 122 positives in Andalusia

The Junta de Andalucía has detailed this Tuesday that of the 549 Andalusian students linked to the macro outbreak unleashed in the Balearic Islands, 179 remain confined to the islands and 122 have tested positive for Covid-19 in the tests carried out upon their return to the community.

The Minister of Health and Families, Jesús Aguirre , has indicated that the Board is in permanent “contact with parents, children and schools” to monitor affected students, although it has been “very difficult” to make a “list of young people who have gone ».

Parents with isolated children in Mallorca have expressed their dissatisfaction with the management of the Balearic socialist government, stressing that their relatives are ” held in inhumane conditions .” Some parents have gone further and denounced the island authorities for illegal detention and prevarication . The Government of Francina Armengol , for its part, has informed the Board that the students are “medicalized” and their “problems” have been “corrected.”

Córdoba, the most affected

Aguirre has appeared at a press conference after the weekly meeting of the Andalusian Government Council, specifying that, “to date, we have 549 people linked to this outbreak here in Andalusia.”

Of these 549 people, 179 are still in isolation in the Balearic Islands, according to the Andalusian Health Minister, who has indicated that the “most important” figure of those 179 comes from Córdoba , with 73 who “are still in isolation, of which 34 are positive »in Covid test.

Aguirre explained that, by virtue of the controls carried out upon the arrival of these young people to Andalusia back from the Balearic Islands after learning about this outbreak, 122 positives have been obtained in the autonomous community, to which “we should add the positives of young Andalusians who They are currently in isolation according to regulations and protocol in force in the Balearic Islands, mainly in Mallorca, ”he detailed.

The Andalusian councilor has indicated that since last weekend he has maintained continuous contact with the team of the Balearic Health Council “not only to articulate the location” of the young people affected, but also “the assistance processes, the protocols , the possible arrivals or referrals to the Peninsula of those children who were not contacts, to follow them up in Andalusia “, so the exchange of information has been” continuous “, and the flow of the same has been” maximum “between both autonomous administrations.

Isolation protocols

In this sense, Aguirre explained that from the Balearic autonomous administration the information about “how many children in Andalusia is she, in what situation are they” is passed on to the Andalusian, and they will tell her “when they are arriving” back to this community. so that here they can undergo the corresponding ” isolation “, PCR tests and “controls according to protocol, which is the same at the level of all autonomous communities.”

He has specified that “the protocol says that a child who tests positive has to be in isolation for ten or 14 days , depending on whether or not he has symptoms”, and that “all those who have been around have to be in isolation for a minimum of ten days” .

The Andalusian Health Minister has also confirmed that, in the Balearic Islands, the isolation of these students is being carried out in hotels that until a couple of days ago “were not medicalized, but the Balearic Health and Consumer Affairs Department has already done so. medicalized with medical and nursing personnel to carry out the «symptom control» of confined young people, who «will not be able to catch a plane until they are discharged from the point of view of diagnostic tests for active infection», as Jesús Aguirre has abounded.

The counselor has indicated that from the Board “of course” that they are “in contact with the parents” of the Andalusian students affected by this outbreak, and “the first thing we did was look at who was the representative” of each of them. In addition, he has indicated that the Balearic Health Minister has informed him personally that they were “remedying the nutritional problems ” that occurred among young people in isolation in hotels, taking into account that these young people have to eat “individually in their room, they cannot eat in a common place.

The Andalusian councilor has defended that any General Directorate of Public Health of an autonomous community “can issue a confinement order in the face of possible specific public health issues due to infectious contagious diseases”, as has been the case, “between those who are positive and those who are that they are close contacts, and that is the order issued by the Balearic Health and Consumption Council and it is the one that governs that power of home isolation, positives and cohabitants, “he concluded.

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